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The Artificers Tool Expertise ability will double your proficiency for any tool you are proficient with, such as tool proficiencies youve temporarily gained from your Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages feature. He brings fresh perspectives on game mechanics, group dynamics, and roleplaying insights for all TTRPG enthusiasts. Several of my recommendations are thematically cool or unusually unique to D&D. This Assassin Rogue leans heavily into the social skill checks like Deception and Persuasion. You are a divinely infused creature with celestial blood flowing in your veins. Of all martial classes, the best one to take with the bard is the paladin. I recommend you create a false identity as an entertainer. The Undead Warlock is fantastic at low levels, so many optimizers have been adopting it into their builds. Better options exist for this concept, but if you want access to Cleric spells like Spirit Guardians in addition to melee attacks that are based on the quantity of damage on a single attack rather than spread-out damage with multiple attacks, this combination is ok. Youll get Warlock invocations and several smiting spells from the Hexblade Warlock. . The secondary class may be referred to as a dip into that class if the concept only needs 1-3 levels in the second class. Sure you can do a bunch of new stuff, but passing more performance checks or inspiring allies cant compare to better armor proficiency for sheer power. Fifth Edition Warlock Patrons have an immense amount of versatility since they all offer different things and allow the Warlock to slot into roles other than the ranged caster. It can also slow enemies and move them around. Hold Person/Monster, Banishment, and Mental Prison are great examples of spells that can really benefit from the feature. Lets review which combinations get enough value from dipping and dont require extensive multiclassing. Summary of subclass features: Gain a few spell options that Warlocks cant normally learn, but you dont automatically learn them. The main way you do this build is mainly play a bard and pick up 2 levels in warlock (either multiclass at bard 3 or bard 5). This concept also has impressive defensive options, particularly from the Fighter levels for armor. through Sorcerer and cast them using your Warlock spellslots, while at the same time you can focus on healing spells of Celestial Warlock and cast them using your Sorcerer slots should your Healing Light pool go dry. The Creation Bard levels ensure a steady, cheap supply of gunpowder. This character would be a decently optimized concept with well-rounded abilities. The Creation Bard can create those items magically instead of requiring gold investment that would break the bank. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying as well, so it's not merely for min-max-style players. A master of menacing archery with an arcane twist. Sing me a tale of Bard multiclassing! How about Spirit Bard & Mastermind Rogue? They are both versatile classes with a focus on supporting their allies, but they go about it in different ways. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Similarly, Warlocks can use their multiclass slots to cast Pact Magic spells. . After getting these 6 levels in Warlock, get 6 levels in Sorcerer to pick up Elemental Affinity, so you can add your CHA modifier to fire spells AGAIN. Written by Leonardo Andrade. React to attacks with invisibility and teleportation. Barbarians are difficult to multiclass with spellcasters for obvious reasons: they cannot cast or concentrate on spells while using their Rage. You dont need to eat, drink, or breathe. Multiclassing Spellcasters: Do I Get More Spells and Spell Slots? Warlock is also an amazing primary class. A good assassin will find a way to invest in Charisma for social skill checks, but it gets crowded sharing stats with Dexterity and Constitution. The idea behind this multiclass is to take walock's signature catrip, Eldritch Blast, and modify it with Metamagic. Summary of subclass features: Gain a few spell options that Warlocks cant normally learn, but you dont automatically learn them. Having worked his way up from burger flipper to a manager in a successful restaurant, he decided to take the plunge and pursue his passion of writing and creating full time, which he continues to this day in many forms of media across the internet. Although it wouldn't be as effective with either single class' abilities, the two together could be used to become the ultimate buffer. Grab someones shadow when they die so you can impersonate them and learn information from the departed. Use Bardic Inspiration to deal extra psychic damage with your attacks. The Artificer also has The Right Tools for the Job feature, so you can create the tools you need. Finally, Monk and Rogue are very mobile and like getting up in enemies faces, but are best when you dump a lot of levels into themotherwise, they are just squishy, which does not benefit an already vulnerable Warlock. The mechanical benefits are decent enough, though I wouldnt say this is highly optimized. Metamagic is the class feature that lets you mold spells this way and pops up at Level 3. Alternatively, you get another Metamagic option at Level 10, or you could spend more levels on Sorcerer to hoard even more spell slots. Perform a ritual with allies to learn a spell from any spell list with a level equal to the number of participants in the ritual. To their credit Bards have more spells known, but less cantrips known. Rest to adapt to a damage type of choice, gaining resistance (ignored by magical/silvered weapons). Multiclassing, as the name suggests, is an optional rule in D&D that allows you as a player to combine two or more classes for your character. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Theres no way I can cover every combination for this subclass, but Ill share some favorites. Banish an enemy to hell with your attack until the end of your next turn, dealing 10d10 psychic damage when they return (no saving throw). Cantrips scale their damage as you level up, which is better than taking a slight dip into martial classes (whose weapon attack damage dont scale with your level). Everything in this guide has an emoji, ranking how useful a given ability or feature is to playing this class effectively. Other classes like Druid and Paladin have excellent level-twenty abilities. This also gives them access to the Sorcerers proficiencies in light armor and simple weapons, something the Warlock does not naturally have. The Thief Rogue specializes in chucking items as a bonus action, such as acid vials. Youre slippery and efficient in and out of combat. Reader Stephany suggested this combination. Freely reattach body parts to yourself when severed. You also choose your fighting style at this level, which can grant you +1 ACsurvivability that a Warlock greatly benefits from. Whisper to someone and convince them that you know their greatest secret, terrifying and charming them into obeying your requests. Heck, maybe even Bahamut himself offered you to be one of his devoted vanguard, who then helped you to manifest your just nature through rewarding you with gold dragon blood inheritance, beyond what comes in the package with a standard pact with a Celestial., Gameplay-wise, start as a Sorcerer to get proficiency in CON saves, permanent Mage Armor, and pick Shield and Absorb Elements as your first two spells. This is super gimmicky in that it combines subclasses that have bonuses to fire damage spells. Rangers dont get much above fifteenth level, freeing you up for multiclass dips for better features. Clerics best class features come at high levels, and therefore Cleric is strongest as a solo class. Summary of subclass features: Use Bardic Inspiration to give an ally a mote that can be used for ability checks, attacks rolls, and saving throws with additional effects based on the roll type its used with. For this reason, I look to the other Warlock subclasses to see which of them might like what the Valor Bard offers. Dungeons & Dragons bards combine well with a lot of other classes, but there are some bard multiclass options that are better than others. There is a particular way to play this multiclass combo that exploits your Warlocks spellcasting to generate ungodly amounts of Sorcery Points: the Coffeelock (which you read about here thanks to Geeknative). Perform weapon attacks with your Charisma instead of your Strength or Dexterity (with some limitations that can be lifted with Pact of the Blade). Blade Flourishes can scale up along with your spellcasting to become a powerful Bard. At lvl 11, you can take mass suggestion, at 13, force cage. Its also forty swimming speed instead of the usual thirty. One extra HP per Sorcerer level is not bad either for a dip if you start with 16 CON. Bards have a similar versatility to the Warlock, which makes them an excellent choice for multiclassing. Charm people into idolizing you for a while when you speak to a group and they unknowingly fail their Wisdom saves. You might be a bard who harnesses magic through your music or a warlock who has made a pact with an otherworldly entity. This character is a know-it-all, sporting plenty of skill proficiencies, heaps of Expertise, and a Channel Divinity to instantly gain proficiency in something theyre not already skilled with. However, a character could theoretically work around the limitations. You also get extra Expertise from three Bard levels. You can find more content on multiclassing in our other articles, particularly our class-level multiclassing combinations article.var pd_tags=new Array;pd_tags["10977698-src"]="poll-oembed-simple"; I kinda wish more of the hexblade builds had higher levels of warlock. What Bard multiclass concepts and best practices have I missed? Unlike other spellcasters, when you multiclass as a Warlock, you keep your Warlock spell slots and track slots for your second class separately instead of merging them. As a Warlock looking to multiclass, you can improve your spellcasting or branch out into martial fighting. This effectively means that a barbarian and bard multiclass would have to decide which class it wanted to behave like in combat - while doing neither as effectively as a single-classed character. Dont forget to upcast Armor of Agathys! Fighting Spirit only works with weapons. If you dont want to do the usual Hexblade dip, you might go with the Great Old One. Transform as a bonus action to gain the ability to cast Command as a bonus action for one minute while you concentrate on your transformation. Cleric dwarf cleric Source: D&D Player's Handbook The Sorcerers spell list has lots of these, although the lack of defensive options means this multiclass is definitely a glass cannon. Cleric has very good class features at higher levels, but unfortunately youll never reach them when multiclassing. Multiclassing is a popular way for D&D players to customize their characters and provide counterbalances for their characters in-game weaknesses. Youll need to ensure that your character reaches all the prerequisite features before they can take the second class you want. A bard/sorcerer multiclass will sacrifice some higher-level spellcasting. What are you trying to achieve? You can also pretend its the Archfey Warlock Patron, but with a better level-one ability for your purposes. It specializes in using cold damage to deal massive damage with Eldritch Blast and Spirit Shroud spells. Give the scary Conquest Paladin a fey-like twist. Multiclassing a Bard with a Druid gives your character access to their entire spell list after only one level. Spirit Guardians is a great example! Some Sorcerer multiclass concepts involve Sorcerer as the primary class with the majority of the levels. Id describe the temporary hitpoints gained as a phasing effect as attacks phase through you until your temporary hitpoints deplete. Sorcerers benefit from any class that improves the characters armor proficiencies. Sorcerers have full-spellcaster spell slot progression, allowing them to make great use of several Warlock and Paladin features. The most important part of any game is that you have fun. Other concepts will include the Sorcerer as a secondary class with minimal level investment. You get expertise from being a bard, get it again from being a rogue, and cunning action gets you even more mobility so that you can always have something to do in the middle of a combat. 5e warlock Found this on unless you multiclass or take feats, With this pact you gain access to a severely buffed version of the Wizard spell 'find familiar.' Switch onto Warlock to get 6 levels for Radiant Soul to make fire and radiant spells hit extra CHA modifier. Eloquence Bard Multiclass Recommendations. Most optimal character builds I see do not involve heaps of Warlock levels, but plenty of players will specialize as Warlocks. You should only go for the second level in Peace Cleric if you really want the useful Channel Divinity option to move without provoking opportunity attacks while healing allies, but Im not sure an Eloquence Bard has business being so close to everyone anyway. However, you can always choose your favorite class or a class that is more representative of your characters roleplay. At a glance, the themes align, but the synergy is sparse. Really, Warlocks represent an excellent class whether it is your primary or secondary class. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You can transform characters with Invocations, but many of them have prerequisites that involve three or more levels of Warlock. Ill now go through each Bard subclass to list ideas for multiclassing. Id go for the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer. Outside of specific subclasses, it doesn't get Extra Attack to use weapons effectively, and none of its cantrips deal high damage. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying as well, so its not merely for min-max-style players. Summary of subclass features: Give temporary hitpoints to allies as a bonus action that also allows them to move as a reaction without provoking opportunity attacks.. Your Channel Divinity at Level 2 is usually quite good too, and they cover a wide variety of effects, so you can choose one that suits your playstyle. His love of storytelling has given him wide expertise on all things entertainment, from video games and tabletop roleplaying to television and movies, which he uses to inform his work in many ways. Shoot back to life when you make a death saving throw and deal radiant damage in an area. Summary of subclass features: React with a Bardic Inspiration die to reduce an attack roll, damage roll, or ability check. Solid class features at low levels mean you need to invest fewer levels into multiclassing. One of the worst parts of being an Assassin is dealing with the lackluster subclass features Infiltration Expertise and Infiltrator. This build focuses mostly on being a successful Hexblade while investing half of your levels in strong multiclass supplements. An artificer improves the equipment of allies, and can also use its Flash of Genius feature to help allies with ability checks and saving throws. Additionally, support is not a role that Warlock is well suited to play outside of the Celestial subclass, so there will be some friction between your Warlock and Cleric abilities. The Sorcerer becomes much more durable and dangerous. A Warlock multiclass makes it so that the Eloquence Bard may have negotiated a tight deal with an otherwordly patron.and gains Eldritch Blast, a nifty patron feature or two, and perhaps some Eldritch Invocations. Charm or frighten creatures in a small area. Welcome to Flutes exhaustive guide for Bard multiclassing character concepts. Clerics run into a common problem for a bard multiclass: differing spellcasting ability scores. Many classes benefit more from multiclassing than from investing twenty levels in a single class. Learn a greater version of Evards Black Tentacles that gives you temporary hitpoints and cant have its concentration ended by damage taken. Welcome to Flutes exhaustive guide for Warlock multiclassing character builds. Another combo that gets your heavy armor while amplifying healing spells here and there. What multiclass would you suggest for a teithling bard who is male but dresses feminine and even wears makeup, also his background is far traveler. Youve lived in the dark, studied with the Drow, and learned how to weave their dark magic into your arrows. Will provide some bonus that cant be found through other means. Interests include: endlessly worldbuilding, seducing Strahd, and finding new and strange ways to caffeinate myself. Spike Growth becomes available to a Dao Genie Warlock, so you can still use fun battlefield control tactics while knocking enemies around Eldritch Blast. This combination will enable you to really stack up damage for heavy-handed melee strikes. Required fields are marked *, $MMT=window.$MMT||{};$MMT.cmd=$MMT.cmd||[];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){$MMT.display.slots.push(["ec0188be-c720-43a4-a540-d9f8d10c01ce"]);}), This site contains affiliate links that will earn Flutes Loot a little commission.2020, Flutes Loot is unofficial Fan Content permitted under theFan Content Policyand is not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Most players dont foreshadow or roleplay their core class features anyway, so why should it be so difficult to justify what you gain from multiclassing? Choose your warlock and bard spells with Unsettling Words in mind. He brings fresh perspectives on game mechanics, group dynamics, and roleplaying insights for all TTRPG enthusiasts. Warlocks who want to multiclass into Bard will do best if they choose concurrent subclasses. Looking to make a Changeling female Glamour Bard/ Enchantment Wizard but wanting to throw in some damage based skills possibly rogue or ranger like. This is the multiclass path to having expertise in as many skills as you could possibly want. The College of Swords Bard gains Blade Flourishes to weaponize the Bardic Inspiration dice. Form of Dread pairs well with your Fey Wanderer features involving fear. That means a potential +5d8 radiant damage added to a melee attack if youre a powerful enough Warlock, no matter how many levels you have in Paladin. The Hexblade thus benefits most from multiclassing into Paladin. This provides flexibility when casting and opens doors to some insane combos since Warlock spell slots are always at the maximum level possible. Overall, multiclassing into Cleric improves areas Warlock is weak at rather than building on existing strengths. Aside from optimization, multiclassing allows you to bring unique characters to life with outside-the-box specialties. It will gain armor and shields, powerful Eldritch Blast augmentations, more spells, and saving throw buffs. Picking a class can be hard. Similar to the Warlock, Sorcerers get their subclass at level one. This kind of variation isnt seen in a lot of other classes that are usually more streamlined into a single role. Armor up, see in the dark, and get advantage on Initiative with the Twilight Cleric. Picking up the Shield spell in this way could be useful, for example. When Im not writing about RPGs, Im playing Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, X-Wing miniatures, and many other lovingly-crafted tabletop games with the people I love. Background: My Bard started out following the party because he wanted to write their epic story, but through his journeys with them has come to realize he would do anything to keep his friends and country safe. One of the few holes in the bard's toolkit is that they lack any serious, at-will damage. Its a masterful concept for creating a new religion of followers and adorers! It's also a class that a character might want to start in, even if they prioritize the bard, due to the character only getting proficiency in heavy armor and Constitution saving throws if they start as a fighter. Sorcerers most useful abilities are available at low levels, meaning you need to invest fewer levels into multiclassing. The persona gets you in front of powerful people during a performance. (edit) I added two suggestions for investing in more Hexblade levels for 10+ character levels. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Now you call upon a patron to grant you sinister power. If youre looking to amp up the Warlocks existing spellcasting with more options, more spell slots, and more flexibility, Sorcerer is the best choice to multiclass into. Three levels of Warlock and selecting Pact of the Tome will meet the prerequisite for the Aspect of the Moon Invocation. RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Paladins Are The Best Holy Characters In D&D (& 5 Why It's Clerics). Id probably go for Watchers Paladin, but there are a few that could work for your campaign. Your DM needs to allow you to trigger some of your spoken abilities through telepathy. Im glad you liked the concepts overall! Mobile Flourish will be helpful after you get six levels in Bladesinging because you can substitute one attack for a cantrip like Booming Blade. At 8th level, sorcerer 5 / warlock 3, you can trade warlock spell slots for 4 sorcery points per long rest. Use Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action to give a creature disadvantage on its next saving throw before your next turn. However, some classes synergize far better with the bard than others, creating some bard multiclass combos that are mechanically more powerful than others. Warlocks are a popular class for people who like to multiclass, but not every class jives well with the Warlock multiclass. Bonus proficiencies: Medium armor, shields, martial weapons. for bard spells and bard slots for warlock spells, for purposes of your spellcaster level, warlocks are non-casters. If they used their spellcasting primarily outside of combat, or emphasized spells without Concentration, they could still combine the two classes in useful ways. With that concept in mind, had thoughts of pairing the genie warlock with ranger, any thoughts? This is a Gunner character who can create its own gunpowder for firearms and explosives. Samurai Fighter would be really bad if you want to use Eldritch Blast. Bards lack the first-level value that other spellcasters provide in multiclassing, but theyre formidable in their own ways with more levels of investment. Roll on a table of tales to activate special effects with your Bardic Inspiration. Many classes benefit more from multiclassing than from investing twenty levels in a single class. The first new class released for 5e, the artificer has a fair amount of overlap with the bard. An example is upcasting Armor of Agathys from the Warlock spell list. Genie Warlocks gain Bottled Respite in their Genies Vessel for ease of short resting. Speak to someone for one minute to attempt to frighten them (they dont know if they succeed on the Wisdom save). Add 1d10 to an ability check or saving throw. RELATED: Every Druid Multiclass Combo In D&D 5e, Ranked. Therefore, the best class to match with the bard is easily the rogue. However, multiclassing into Bard doesnt really make Warlocks any more powerful. Their range of skills, abilities, and spells sets them apart from nearly every other D&D class in terms of versatility. The Undead Warlock lacks medium armor and shields, but the Valor Bard can assist with that while gaining other support abilities and spells. The character concept sounds cool, though. It has the Paladins armor and aura defenses paired with the 1d10 saving throw bonus and damage resistance of choice from the Warlock. Make sure you invest in enough Charisma to use your auras and spellcasting DCs effectively. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Learn well their powers so you can multiclass to claim or enhance their powers. The biggest downside for multiclassing into Paladin is that Smite only works on melee weapons, so youll have to enter combat far more often than normal. This is a solid build that could be really fun to play. Warlocks and Sorcerers pair well together for many reasons, so this is a powerful build. Other concepts will include the Warlock as a secondary class with a minority of level investment. A notable Sorcerer subclass for dipping is the Divine Soul; it can fortify its saving throws with 2d4 and grab Cleric spells. Oh, and you can also grab Aspect of the Moon invocation if youre tempted by CoffeeLock shenanigans. Feb 5, 2016. Often forms the backbone of a class look and feel. Other concepts will include the Warlock as a secondary class with a minority of level investment. The same goes for Eldritch Blast. Resist cold damage and freely communicate with other creatures when youre submerged in water. Heavy armor will be better than the usual Hexblade medium armor, plus you get a shield. The bard can get any ranger spells they want through Magical Secrets, all without having to worry about their Wisdom score on top of everything else. Im given the starting level of 14. You eventually gain another transformation that causes enemies to make Charisma saves to succeed in attacking you; those who succeed on the save have disadvantage to save against your spells on your next turn. Okay, so I was wrong, the first goblin muttered bitterly. Spellcasting uses Charisma for both classes. In short, yes, you get spell slots and spells known from each class individually as if you were single-classed. Ultimately, the wizard and bard have little to offer one another. Add to your Swords Bards combat prowess without sacrificing spellcasting and Charisma. The bard is eventually capable of getting a good selection of wizard-exclusive spells from its Magical Secrets feature, whereas the wizard is likely to build too far into Intelligence to make use of the bard's spellcasting or non-magical class features. Communicate telepathically with nearby creatures. When deciding what to multiclass with, youll want to look at a few different factors. Unlike the Paladin (more Melee focused), taking this multiclass certainly enhances the spellcasting abilities of your Warlock - making it a full-fledged powerful spellcaster. It might sound disappointing to not go for Hexblade in this build, but this concept has its own benefits. As another class dipping into Warlock, since Warlock selects their subclass at Level 1, you immediately get some niche features from your Otherworldly Patron. Hypnotic pattern is always a fantastic choice for most situations. Fighter levels can be tempting for armor and Action Surge, but you could go for other martial classes like Paladin for the armor perks, too. Summary of subclass features: Treat your Persuasion and Deception ability check rolls of nine or lower as tens. Published Dec 2, 2021 Some D&D multiclass builds can feel as like they were destined to merge two classes into an overpowered monster, like the Bard/Rogue build. , had thoughts of pairing the genie Warlock with ranger, any thoughts multiclass to claim or enhance powers! Backbone of a class look and feel you in front of powerful people during performance... Can fortify its saving throws with 2d4 and grab Cleric spells support abilities and spells sets apart! You can impersonate them and learn information from the Warlock, which can grant +1... It is your primary or secondary class but less cantrips known to as a into... The Wizard and Bard have little to offer one another, audience insights and product development Gain armor shields! At high levels, so this is a popular class for people who like to multiclass, get! Or branch out into martial fighting can use their multiclass slots to cast Pact magic spells released for 5e Ranked! 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warlock bard multiclass guide