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All charter amendments must be approved by a 50% + 1 majority. J is a rival measure to Prop. Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, Board of Equalization, Seat 2 Sally Lieber, Prop 26: New Types of Gambling No Position, Prop 29: Kidney Dialysis Patient Protections Yes, District Attorney (#1) John Hamasaki , (#2) Joe Alioto Veronese, Supervisor, District 2 Catherine Stefani, BART Board of Directors, District 8 Janice Li, Board of Education Alida Fisher, Lisa Weissman-Ward, Lainie Motamedi, City College Trustree - 2 Year Murrell Green, City College Trustree - 4 Year Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, Vick Chung, Prop B: Eliminating Department of Sanitation and Streets Yes, Prop C: Homelessness Oversight Commission Yes, Prop E: Affordable Housing Production Yes, Prop F: Library Preservation Fund Renewal Yes, Prop H: Increase Voter Participation Yes, Prop I: Uses of the Great Highway and JFK Drive No, Prop N: Golden Gate Park Parking Garage Yes. Kevin Mullin is a great successor, and has been endorsed both by our favorite State Senator, Scott Wiener, and the outgoing incumbent, Jackie Speier. We believe that Prop G will, on net, improve student academic performance. Not only will five people fail to find a place to live, but the five who succeed will have to pay dramatically more for their home. California State law already protects the right to privacy of reproductive choice. This is nothing other than a desperate power grab to outlaw abortion in states like California, that stand strong in our convictions to offer safe and reproductive health care to those who need it most. If both Prop. The road would only be closed to cars on holidays, Sundays and Saturdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. between April and September. Under Prop D, if you comply with the law then you will get your building permit. Prop E is an anti-housing ballot measure put forward by the Board of Supervisors. We want to give him the chance to prove his chops and we believe that, as a Mayoral appointee, he will be aligned with the Mayor's broader goals of fiscal responsibility and educational outcomes. When regulatory capture occurs, a special interest is prioritized over the general interests of the public, leading to a net loss for society. Proposition 28 is an Initiative Statute which will require the state to fund arts education programs equal to 1% of the constitutionally mandated state and local funding that public schools received in the prior year. Everyone's journey to recovery is different and San Francisco needs to help. But beyond all of these bad opinions, John Hamasaki also wants to defund the prosecutors in the District Attorney's office. June 7, 2022 Primary Election Overview and Recommendations By Louise "Lou" Fischer- As noted in almost every one of my columns for the past six months, San Francisco has four elections this year because of corruption, resignations, political appointments, vacancies, blah blah blah. The office has such limited powers that either candidate would probably do a fine job. Call in 760-375-7548, The meeting is TODAY at . This duty belongs to the State Legislature and the Federal government. After vetting, the Governor then picks which justices to appoint. GrowSF heartily endorses Jenkins for District Attorney based on her policies alone. The measure would let the city use public money to buy, operate or subsidize public parking in the underground Music Concourse Garage in Golden Gate Park. Track Your Ballot: Sign-up at WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov to receive automated notifications about your ballot by email, text (SMS), or voice call. Nice sounding words don't cut it for us, we need policy details. The Chronicle editorial boards full list of endorsements in the June 7 California primary election. Rob Bonta: For his robust enforcement of Californias housing laws alone, Bonta has earned our endorsement. This measure would move the citys mayoral elections to presidential election years starting in 2024. You can visit any available location to cast your ballot or to return your completed Vote by Mail ballot. As of Thursday, only about 20% of voters in the city have cast ballots in an election that features a recall against three school board members, an election for state Assembly and a vote on the city's unopposed assessor-recorder position.. Democracy needs defenders like you every day. He focuses on throwing out decades of institutional knowledge in favor of his ill-defined platform without stating what that actually means or what, in particular, he wants to change. L: This measure would generate about $100 million a year, totaling $2.6 billion through 2053, for much-need transportation projects to bring S.F. Unfortunately, we do disagree with Lara's policy to force insurance companies to cover structures at high risk of wildfires. A huge red flag is that the requirements for Commissioners aren't largely focused on experience with overseeing agencies, managing budgets, or running audits. November 8, 2022 General Election June 7, 2022 Primary Election February 15, 2022 Special Election November 3, 2020 General Election March 3, 2020 Primary Election November 5, 2019 General Election November 6, 2018 General Election 1390 Market Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 545-8228 [email protected] A pair of Republican House members in Mississippi are in danger of losing renomination after Tuesday's primaries, which saw several . Read about our endorsement processhere. The City Controller estimates a substantial increase in the cost of government should Prop I pass. No endorsement: Catherine Stefani is running unopposed. Mayor London Breed first appointed these three candidates after an overwhelming recall of Alison Collins, Gabriela Lpez, and Faauuga Moliga. This website offers functionality that requires JavaScript. In the School Board race, endorsements are also split along typical partisan lines. RESULTS: Recalled: School board members Collins, Lpez and Faauuga. November 8, 2022 General Election ENDORSEMENTS ALICE ENDORSES: FEDERAL OFFICES U.S. House of Representatives, CD11 Nancy Pelosi U.S. House of Representatives, CD15 Kevin Mullin U.S. Senate . No on Prop. Studies have shown that arts and music education increases academic aptitude and achievement, as well as fosters skills that are important for developing brains. And world-class transit needs to be funded well enough to do necessary maintenance, invest in long-term projects, and improve the level of existing service. This is a relatively straightforward bureaucratic fix to allow the City to operate the underground parking facility near the museums in Golden Gate Park, rather than subcontract operation to another entity (the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority). Will having yet another commission somehow yield better results? Though we do find Supervisor Mandelman's housing platform lacking, we think his strengths in other areas provide more than enough reason to cast your vote for him. In fact, she was president of the Board of Trustees in 2017 when City College escaped its first accreditation crisis. It needs a simple majority to pass. We do think she should retire and pass the torch, but none of her challengers are qualified to take her place. GrowSF recommends confirming the appointments of Associate Justice Gordon B. Burns to the Court of Appeal, First District, Division Five. Fiona Ma is the incumbent, and during her tenure California has achieved record budget surpluses. It requires a two-thirds vote to pass. Note: Even though this is a continuation of an existing tax, it technically counts as a new tax under the law, which is why the Prop 13 requirement to vote on it and obtain a supermajority applies. The measure, placed on the ballot by a successful signature-gathering campaign, would reverse the supervisors vote to keep a 1.5 mile stretch of JFK Drive car-free seven days a week. So while keeping DPW whole is definitely a win, getting a new commission that can be staffed with political cronies that have no real power or accountability is not great. It requires a simple majority to pass. Back. Sierra Club and "Explore, enjoy and protect the planet" are registered trademarks of the Sierra Club. Mayor Breed appointed Green to this seat and this is his first time running to maintain the position. Within months, she was nominated and unanimously confirmed as chief justice. The Chronicle has made recommendations on all statewide and city races and. Now imagine there are only 5 empty homes for those 10 people. He's qualified and we have no reason to think he'll do a bad job. Supervisor Matt Dorsey, who was appointed by Mayor London Breed, is running against former supervisor aide Honey Mahogany and two other candidates for District 6, which includes SoMa. California voters should fund it. This measure would put their health at risk for a game of political hardball. Joel Engardio has been a community leader in San Francisco for years. Our elections are one of the most critical tools to move us closer to this vision. Our recommendations for San Francisco propositions, plus state and federal props and races inside State, federal offices: The Examiner's endorsements in the November 2022 election Our . We think this shows that Honey Mahogany will support more of the same dysfunction in City Hall. Sign Up Our endorsements We can help you get involved in issues that matter in our San Francisco community. Below are our official endorsements for the upcoming San Francisco elections in 2022. He is the only candidate with serious political experience. Peter Coe Verbica (R), a Certified Financial Planner, actually spells out some goals, unlike Lieber: Help the California County Tax Assessors get through their thousands of backlogs and relieve taxpayers of the burden of uncertainty, Ensure that California Taxpayers receive due process in their appeals whether the appeal is remotely heard via videoconference or in person, Help California County Tax Assessors properly interpret and apply Proposition 19 in the most taxpayer-friendly way possible within the letter of the law, Encourage other tax-gathering arms under the control of the Governor to develop and enhance their own Taxpayers' Rights Advocate offices, where the obligation is to the taxpayer rather than garnering revenues for the sovereign. In order to help you figure out who to vote for, read our short descriptions of the candidates and figure out what is most important to you. This measure, while imperfect, would provide necessary funding. Trustee Murrell Green, who was appointed to the position by Mayor London Breed, is running against Adolpho Velasquez, a retired counselor at S.F. A full term is 12 years, but justices may only be eligible for retentions of four or eight years if they are completing the unexpired term of the previous office-holder. All new housing will still be subject to multiple layers of debate and red tape, fully compliant housing will still be subject to political interference, and it has a poison pill that will kill all of the good things about Prop D. Like Prop D, Prop E will not cost the city any extra money. Three appointed associate justices Patricia Guerrero, Joshua Groban and Martin Jenkins are on the ballot for the first time. This measure checks that box for Oakland. As Supervisor, he has introduced legislation to get drug addicts the help they need and has literally cleaned up streets: Dorsey has also been a consistent pro-housing voice, supports our Affordable Homes Now ballot measure (Prop D), and earned the endorsement of housing champion Scott Wiener and SF YIMBY. But it's not all roses and puppy dogs this will keep the new Sanitation and Streets commission while stripping it of any actual authority. Economists estimate that a healthy vacancy rate for a well-functioning city is between 5% and 8% (and some estimate as much as 10%!). No on Prop. The reason for this ballot measure is a little obscure. Treasurer Fiona Ma, a Democrat, runs for re-election to a second term against Republican Jack Guerrero, a certified public accountant who serves on the City Council of Cudahy in Los Angeles County. Especially when those organizations already have a sweetheart deal granting them a total monopoly on a particular activity. Proposition 31 is a referendum on Senate Bill 793 of 2020, which banned sales of flavored tobacco vaping products except for hookah tobacco, loose-leaf tobacco, and premium cigars. 1: Passing the measure would enshrine California's existing abortion rights into the state Constitution, a necessary protection. We think the Public Defender should focus on defense, not activism. Prop I throws these plans out the window and orders the city to figure something else out spending up to $80 million over twenty years in the process, according to the City controller. The 2024 United States Senate election in California will be held on November 5, 2024, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of California. This measure would allow online sports gambling, with 85% of the money it generates through a 10% tax on gross online sports betting revenue going toward homeless services. She served as President of the Presidio Trust, and she was a well-qualified choice to serve on that important public body (the Presidio Trust manages federal land, and all appointments are done by the presidential administration in charge at the time). Not only do they provide access to a wide array of books and research materials for students, they also provide computer and internet access for people who don't have them at home. San Francisco, CA 94102 This commentary is from The Chronicles editorial board. In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution does not protect the right to privacy of reproductive choices and does not protect the right to seek and obtain abortions, regardless of the health impacts to the mother. His 25+ years of experience in government (LA City Council, State Senate, and Secretary of State) have prepared him well for the difficulties of the US Senate. Shirley Weber is the incumbent Secretary of State, having been appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to replace Alex Padilla. The bond measure would be put toward infrastructure priorities. In particular, we found his competitor's answers to our questionnaire both troubling and frustratingly vague. We recognize that students from wealthier families will typically have easier access to arts and music education, so we think this distribution formula that spends a little more on students from low-income families makes a lot of sense. This helps low-income people find and apply for jobs, helps people connect with city services like job training and low-income housing, and even provides respite from heat waves. Yes on Prop. He was appointed by Mayor London Breed in 2021 to replace Carmen Chu, who was herself appointed to City Administrator after Naomi Kelley resigned amid a corruption probe. 30 would increase the personal income tax rate by 1.75% for people who earn more than $2 million per year and use the money for programs to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions; 80% would be for electric vehicles and 20% for wildfire prevention and firefighting. She holds a BA in political science from Fisk University, and a Masters of Science in public policy and management from Carnegie Mellon University. The powerful SEIU union is abusing the California initiative process in service of their labor dispute. In the District Attorneys race, endorsements weve tracked are evenly split between appointed incumbent Brooke Jenkins and her most popular challenger, John Hamasaki, for first choice votes. 29: Over 80,000 people in California rely on dialysis to survive. Governor: No Endorsement Lt Governor: No Endorsement Secretary of State: Shirley Weber Controller: No Endorsement First, let's fix the governance that threatens the very existence of City College, then let's consider increasing their funding for a job well done. 30: The clock is ticking to decarbonize California. Prop F is a simple ballot measure that reauthorizes an existing 0.025% property tax (that's 2.5 cents per $100) and allows the city to temporarily freeze increases to Library funding if the city projects a budget deficit. November 8, 2022 Final Election Results - Summary English Espaol Filipino Summary of results Ranked-choice voting and detailed reports Statewide results Voter Turnout: 62.32% XML Number of Ballots Cast: 310,071 Voter Registration: 497,561 Final Update: December 01, 2022 3:56 PM Compare turnout to previous elections In other words, San Francisco makes it "insanely hard to build housing.". Prop 1 aligns with existing state rights to privacy and equal protection and would ensure that regardless of who or what party controls the government or the courts in California, the right to an abortion is protected. Given that over 70% of San Franciscans are unhappy with the direction of the city, we think higher turnout elections will result in the unhappy majority gaining the ability to fix the city. Paid for by Sierra Club Political Committee, www.sierraclub.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Because a city this offbeat deserves a newsletter with some US November General Election . John Rizzo has been serving on the City College Board of Trustees for 15 years, and given that long tenure he believes that the current board has finally made an impact and gotten City College back on track. Malia Cohen (D) currently serves as the chair of the California Board of Equalization and is a former San Francisco Supervisor for District 10. GrowSF believes in treating students as whole people, and especially in assisting students that come from disadvantaged or unstable homes. The Board still has its constitutional powers to review property tax assessments and insurer tax assessments, and its role in the collection of alcohol excise and pipeline taxes. Equally important, Kevin Mullin knows that it's too hard to build housing and has the legislative chops to help solve our housing shortage. Explore registration options for voters with special circumstances, such as voters with no fixed address and voters with criminal convictions. The November 8, 2022 general election in San Francisco has over 40 contests to vote on. The SEIU union is behind this measure, along with the previous attempts in 2020 and 2018 which both failed. AA:Yet another Article 34 authorization measure. 1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place Prop I will also force the city to spend up to $80 million because it mandates that the Great Highway south of Sloat remain operational, despite the city's long-existing plans to close this stretch of road due to beach erosion and rising sea levels. Vote for Joel Engardio to bring a focus on public safety, education, and fiscal responsibility to City Hall. What will happen, instead, is that the existing nonprofits who get paid by the city to run our poor services will get appointed to the commission and guarantee that their nonprofits keep getting paid, regardless of the quality of service. Prop J exists to affirm a prior Board of Supervisors ordinance that made JFK Drive a safe recreational area during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of these revenues would support increased state regulatory and enforcement costs that could reach the mid-tens of millions of dollars annually. Money for the fund comes from an annual property tax set-aside of 2.5 cents per $100. No endorsement: San Francisco needs a generational talent to make a difference as D.A. Attempting to shrink an already historically low vacancy rate will only result in higher prices as slack is removed from the rental market. Runoff: Assembly candidates Haney and Campos, beating Mahmood and Selby. The last day to vote is Tuesday, Feb. 15. Elections; CCC; Annual Summit; 2022 Endorsements. Equality California endorses and supports 100% pro-equality candidates up and down the ballot fighting for LGBTQ+ civil rights, reproductive freedom and social justice. Students can only achieve to the best of their ability when they are safe, healthy, and receive the academic support they need. BLANK BOX REPRESENTS NO OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT. Of the two affordable housing measures on the ballot, Proposition Ethe measure backed by most of the Board of Supervisorshas racked up more endorsements from major endorsing organizations than rival measure Proposition D. The latter is supported by Mayor London Breed and housing supply advocates. Incidentally, thanks to recall election maven Joshua Spivak, we know that San Francisco is actually quite the outlier in qualifying its school board election; last year, of the gaudy and headline-grabbing 250 nationwide attempts to recall school board members, only 18 made the ballot. Any candidate or candidate 's Committee incumbent, and especially in assisting students that come from or. Property tax set-aside of 2.5 cents per $ 100 estimates a substantial increase in District! Engardio to bring a focus on Public safety, education, and receive the academic they! Safe, healthy, and during her tenure California has achieved record budget surpluses in Francisco. Of political hardball, enjoy and protect the planet '' are registered trademarks of the Club. The June 7 California primary election TODAY at will get your building.... 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san francisco election endorsements 2022