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-hCG levels should decrease by at least 15% from days 4 to 7; once this occurs, levels should be monitored weekly until undetectable, which may take five to seven weeks. This occurs when a fertilized egg implants in a location that can't support its growth. An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that happens outside of your uterus. The discriminatory level (1,500 to 3,000 mIU per mL) is the -hCG level above which an intrauterine pregnancy should be visible on transvaginal ultrasonography. hCG levels can help health care providers diagnose ectopic pregnancies, when interpreted together with ultrasound, and therefore help people get the care they need quickly. In a salpingectomy, the ectopic pregnancy and the tube are both removed. These medications can affect the way methotrexate works in the body. Pregnancy of unknown location refers to a transient state in which a pregnancy test is positive but ultrasonography shows neither intrauterine nor ectopic pregnancy. A patient with diagnosed ectopic pregnancy should be immediately transferred for surgery if she has peritoneal signs or hemodynamic instability, if the initial beta human chorionic gonadotropin level is high, if fetal cardiac activity is detected outside of the uterus on ultrasonography, or if there is a contraindication to medical management. In a viable intrauterine pregnancy with an initial -hCG level less than 1,500 mIU per mL (1,500 IU per L), there is a 99% chance that the -hCG level will increase by at least 49% over 48 hours.15 As the initial -hCG level increases, the rate of increase over 48 hours slows, with an increase of at least 40% expected for an initial -hCG level of 1,500 to 3,000 mIU per mL (1,500 to 3,000 IU per L) and 33% for an initial -hCG level greater than 3,000 mIU per mL.15 A slower-than-expected rate of increase or a decrease in -hCG levels suggests early pregnancy loss or ectopic pregnancy. If this decrease does not occur, the clinician should discuss with the patient whether she prefers to repeat the course of methotrexate or pursue surgical treatment. For some women, ectopic pregnancy can be traumatic. Setting a low -HCG cutoff value increases the sensitivity of ultrasound and -hCG at diagnosing an ectopic . Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy develop between weeks 4 and 12 of pregnancy (or about two to 10 weeks after fertilization). During future pregnancies, be alert for signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy until your ob-gyn or other health care professional confirms the next pregnancy is growing in the right place. Cunningham FG, et al., eds. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. The clinical manifestations and diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy are reviewed here with a focus on tubal pregnancy. In addition, your physician may do a culdocentesis, which is a procedure that involves inserting a needle into the very top of the vagina, behind . Molecular Reproduction and Development. Other instruments can be used with it to perform surgery. You will have careful follow-up over time until hCG is no longer found in your blood. Also searched were the Cochrane database, the Agency for Health-care Research and Quality, DynaMed, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse. Early blood tests are recommended for all women who've had an ectopic pregnancy. Yes, ectopic pregnancies are dangerous. Published online July 1, 2020. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd011174.pub2, Taran FA, Kagan KO, Hbner M, et al. Typically, however, a ruptured tube must be removed. Implantation and placental development. | All Rights Reserved. Most often this occurs in one of the fallopian tubes (called a tubal pregnancy) but it can also happen on the cervix or elsewhere in the abdominal region. 5. In this case, a repeat dose of methotrexate may be given, although surgery may be required if the patient is symptomatic. It is not intended as a statement of the standard of care. Hormone: A substance made in the body by cells or organs that controls the function of cells or organs. An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg remains in the fallopian tube and continues to develop. Ectopic pregnancies remain an important cause of morbidity and mortality in women of reproductive age. As your pregnancy progresses, the hCG level increase slows down significantly. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Completed early pregnancy loss should be confirmed by one of the following: visualization of products of conception on examination or after uterine aspiration; ultrasonography showing the absence of an intrauterine pregnancy after previous ultrasonography documenting an intrauterine pregnancy; or a decrease in -hCG levels by at least 50% at two days or 87% at seven days.31 Once completion is confirmed, the -hCG level does not need to be followed to zero, except in women with pregnancy of unknown location, or if gestational trophoblastic disease is being considered because of abnormal uterine bleeding or symptoms of malignancy.32, Patients who wish to use contraception after early pregnancy loss can start immediately. This period increases to about every 96 hours as you get further along. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. There are two methods used to treat an ectopic pregnancy: 1) medication and 2) surgery. . If you wish to try to get pregnant again, it's very important to see your doctor regularly. For symptomatic women with a viable intrauterine pregnancy, initial -hCG levels of less than 1,500 mIU per mL, 1,500 to 3,000 mIU per mL, or more than 3,000 mIU per mL will increase over 48 hours by at least 49%, 40%, or 33%, respectively.10 A slower rate of increase suggests early pregnancy loss or ectopic pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the hCG level may increase less than 66% in 48 hours. The nature, location, and severity of pain in ectopic pregnancy vary. They can even be life-threatening. A choice of either methotrexate or surgical management is offered to women with an ectopic pregnancy who have a serum hCG level of at least 1500 IU/L and less than 5000 IU/L, . Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Pregnancy of unknown location can be diagnostically challenging because the increase in -hCG level can be similar among women with an early viable pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or early pregnancy loss.10 Because pregnancy of unknown location does not exclude ectopic pregnancy, and because rupture of ectopic pregnancy can occur at any -hCG level, serial measurements should be obtained until a definitive diagnosis is made or until the level is undetectable.16 Patients should be counseled about warning signs of ectopic pregnancy, including shoulder pain, pelvic pain, and dizziness. No specific range of decrease is considered normal as long as the patient is asymptomatic and the decrease continues.39 Surgical management is indicated if the patient experiences increased abdominal pain or if -hCG levels increase.38, Patients with previous ectopic pregnancy have higher rates of ectopic pregnancy and early pregnancy loss in subsequent pregnancies. Medical management is safe and effective in carefully selected patients. It's a dangerous and life-threatening condition, as it may cause the fallopian tube to. An ectopic pregnancy most often happens in your fallopian tube (a structure that connects your ovaries and uterus). The prevalence of ectopic pregnancy in the United States is estimated to be 1% to 2%, but this may be an underestimate because this condition is often treated in the office setting where it is not tracked.1,2 The mortality rate for ruptured ectopic pregnancy has steadily declined over the past three decades, and from 2011 to 2013 accounted for 2.7% of pregnancy-related deaths.1,3 Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy are listed in Table 14,5; however, one-half of women with diagnosed ectopic pregnancy have no identified risk factors.46 The overall rate of pregnancy (including ectopic) is less than 1% when a patient has an intrauterine device (IUD). The behavior of this hormone can help detect a dangerously abnormal pregnancy. Intrauterine pregnancy visualized on transvaginal ultrasonography essentially rules out ectopic pregnancy except in the exceedingly rare case of heterotopic pregnancy.5 The definitive diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy can be made with ultrasonography when a yolk sac and/or embryo is seen in the adnexa; however, ultrasonography alone is rarely used to diagnose ectopic pregnancy because most do not progress to this stage.5 More often, the patient history is combined with serial quantitative -hCG levels, sequential ultrasonography, and, at times, uterine aspiration to arrive at a final diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The search included meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, guidelines, and reviews. It uses sound waves to create images of your uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, and sends the pictures to a nearby monitor. . Niger Postgrad Med J. Advanced ectopic pregnancy (high -hCG level, large mass, embryonic cardiac activity) There is a problem with The risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include the following: Certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If one is damaged or removed, an egg may join with a sperm in the other tube and then travel to the uterus. Despite the fact that these factors can increase a persons risk of an ectopic pregnancy, anyone can experience an ectopic pregnancy. In 95% of ectopic pregnancy cases, a good transvaginal ultrasound examination can actually image the ectopic pregnancy in the Fallopian tube. If your hCG level does not drop by at least 15 percent between the fourth to seventh day after treatment, a second dose is required. Blood tests and ultrasound testing can alert your doctor if another ectopic pregnancy is developing. An hCG level of less than 5 mIU/mL is considered negative for pregnancy, and anything above 25 mIU/mL is considered positive for pregnancy. Also searched were the Cochrane database, DynaMed, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse. ERIN HENDRIKS, MD, HONOR MACNAUGHTON, MD, AND MARICELA CASTILLO MACKENZIE, MD, Related letter: Progestin Therapy Not Likely to Be Harmful in Women with First Trimester Bleeding. It is appropriate for family physicians to treat hemodynamically stable patients in conjunction with their primary obstetrician. To prevent life-threatening complications, the ectopic tissue needs to be removed. This triggers the uterus lining to grow and produce other hormones that help keep a pregnancy going. If you've had an ectopic pregnancy, your risk of having another one is increased. It can be helpful to jot down your questions for the doctor before your visit. Abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain should be reported to your obstetriciangynecologist (ob-gyn) or other health care professional. 2019;74. doi:10.6061/clinics/2019/e1111. Pregnancy of unknown location. Search dates: August 3, 2017, to October 21, 2018. Patient satisfaction, mental health outcomes, infection rates, and future fertility are similar between these treatments.2022 Mental health outcomes are better when patients are included in the decision-making process, and shared decision making should guide management.23. The first measurement helps the clinician decide between the one- and two-dose protocols. It is not a substitute for the advice of a physician. Data Sources: An evidence summary generated from Essential Evidence Plus was reviewed and relevant studies referenced. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0219351, Nio-Kobayashi J, Abidin HBZ, Brown JK, et al. An hCG level that is lower than expected is one reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy. Patients may switch to medical management or uterine aspiration at any time. This content does not have an English version. Accessed Dec. 4, 2019. In a desired pregnancy, -hCG levels and serial ultrasonography combined with patient reports of pain or bleeding guide management.20 In an undesired pregnancy or when the possibility of a viable intrauterine pregnancy has been excluded, manual vacuum aspiration of the uterus can evaluate for chorionic villi that differentiate intrauterine pregnancy loss from ectopic pregnancy. A complete blood count will be done to check for anemia or other signs of blood loss. doi:10.1089/jwh.2020.8860. A folate antagonist, it interrupts the rapidly dividing cells of the ectopic pregnancy, which are then resorbed by the body.22 Its success rate decreases with higher initial -hCG levels (Table 3).23 Contraindications to methotrexate include renal insufficiency; moderate to severe anemia, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia; liver disease or alcoholism; active peptic ulcer disease; and breastfeeding.5 Therefore, a complete blood count and comprehensive metabolic panel should be obtained before it is administered. After the injection, your doctor will order another HCG test to determine how well treatment is working, and if you need more medication. Hendriks E, Rosenberg R, Prine L. Ectopic Pregnancy: Diagnosis and Management. Cunningham FG, et al., eds. Other potential symptoms include presyncope, syncope, vomiting, diarrhea, shoulder pain, lower urinary tract symptoms, rectal pressure, or pain with defecation.11, The physical examination can reveal signs of hemodynamic instability (e.g., hypotension, tachycardia) in women with ruptured ectopic pregnancy and hemoperitoneum.12 Patients with unruptured ectopic pregnancy often have cervical motion or adnexal tenderness.13 Sometimes the ectopic pregnancy itself can be palpated as a painful mass lateral to the uterus. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Terms and Conditions of Use, Get the latest on COVID-19, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. At around 8 to 11 days after conception, your blood still has low levels of hCG. The rate of early pregnancy loss is approximately 11% after a live fetus has been detected on ultrasonography.17 The risk of early pregnancy loss is increased when subchorionic hemorrhage (Figure 36 ) and bleeding are present. Levels should then double every 48 hours from weeks four to six, but that isn't the case for everyone. A wide variety of symptoms are associated with an ectopic pregnancy. Slow-rising quantitative hCG levels, at least in early pregnancy, . It does not explain all of the proper treatments or methods of care. Blood tests can determine how high the hCG level is. Methotrexate often is given by injection in one dose. In these procedure, a small incision is made in the abdomen, near or in the navel. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Many regimens for using misoprostol alone have been studied, and none has been proven optimal.22 One common regimen is 800 mcg vaginally, with a repeat dose in 24 to 48 hours if the first dose is unsuccessful.27 Besides the expected cramping and vaginal bleeding, common adverse effects include nausea and diarrhea.22. In the vast majority of ectopic pregnancies, the fertilized egg implants somewhere in the fallopian tube. Tulandi T. Ectopic pregnancy: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis. In most normal pregnancies, at hCG levels below 1,200 mIU/ml, the hCG level usually doubles every 48-72 hours and normally increases by at least 60% every two days. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone composed of 2 dissimilar subunits, alpha and beta, joined non-covalently. Sometimes, an embryo is visible in or around the fallopian tube; this confirms an ectopic pregnancy. A recent study found a 99% probability that an intrauterine gestational sac will be detected at a -hCG level of 3,510 mIU per mL.14 Currently, a discriminatory level of 1,500 to 3,000 mIU per mL is typically used.10,15 However, ultrasonography can be diagnostically useful in symptomatic women at any -hCG level. This drug stops cells from growing, which ends the pregnancy. Cigarette smoking and having more than one sexual partner also increase the risk for an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable and can cause serious complications for pregnant women, including death. One of the most important factors is your ability to follow up with blood tests that check your blood levels of hCG. Ultrasound visualization of an embryo with fetal cardiac activity outside of the uterus is an indication for urgent transfer for surgical management. McGraw-Hill Education; 2018. https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com. Severe abdominal or pelvic pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding. One use for quantitative hCG levels is to diagnose and monitor an ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy of unknown location. . https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Ectopic-Pregnancy. All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved. Other factors that may increase a womans risk of ectopic pregnancy include: Use of assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). The medication is given by injection. It may take a few cycles for your periods to return to normal. It can take time for the level of hCG in your body to drop after treatment for an ectopic pregnancy. If so, where does it hurt? Early pregnancy loss can be definitively diagnosed in women with ultrasound findings of a mean gestational sac diameter of 25 mm or greater and no embryo or embryonic cardiac activity when the crown-rump length is at least 7 mm. However, your doctor can't diagnose an ectopic pregnancy by examining you. Surgery typically is done with laparoscopy. See permissionsforcopyrightquestions and/or permission requests. You may continue to feel pregnant for a while. A glossary of terms used in this article is available in Table 1.36. In a salpingostomy, the ectopic pregnancy is removed and the tube left to heal on its own. The pregnancy then is absorbed by the body over 4-6 weeks. This procedure uses a slender, lighted camera that is inserted through small cuts in the abdomen. Pregnancy of unknown location describes the scenario in which a pregnancy test is positive, but neither intrauterine nor ectopic pregnancy is shown on ultrasonography. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy. In stable patients, close monitoring of symptoms, serial quantitative -hCG testing, and ultrasonography are recommended4 (Figure 28,10,14,15 ). If so, was the test positive? Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online. Rho(D) immune globulin (Rhogam) is indicated within 72 hours for all Rh-negative patients with abdominal trauma or ectopic pregnancy, and in those who undergo uterine aspiration. manual vacuum aspiration of the uterus can evaluate for chorionic villi that differentiate intrauterine pregnancy loss from ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy should be considered in any pregnant patient with vaginal bleeding or lower abdominal pain when intrauterine pregnancy has not yet been established (Table 2).10 Vaginal bleeding in women with ectopic pregnancy is due to the sloughing of decidual endometrium and can range from spotting to menstruation-equivalent levels.10 This endometrial decidual reaction occurs even with ectopic implantation, and the passage of a decidual cast may mimic the passage of pregnancy tissue. Accessed Dec. 29, 2017. Copyright 2020 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. In fact, a 2017 study into hCG found that "the slowest or minimal rise for a normal viable intrauterine pregnancy was 24% at one day and 53% at two days. In: Williams Obstetrics. PloS One. Clinicians should expect to see a gestational sac on transvaginal ultrasonography when -hCG levels reach 1,500 to 3,000 mIU per mL. Oral mifepristone (Mifeprex), 200 mg, followed 24 hours later by misoprostol, 800 mcg vaginally, is the most effective regimen for medical management of early pregnancy loss and, when available, should be recommended over misoprostol alone. hCG is present in a pregnant persons blood and urine, and its the hormone that makes most pregnancy tests possible. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. Fallopian Tube: Tube through which an egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. The doctor might recommend an office visit or immediate medical care. Patient preference should guide treatment decisions. To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which Pregnancy FAQ 155. Other signs may include: At this stage, it may be hard to know if you are experiencing a typical pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. This information is designed as an educational aid for the public. Ultrasound findings diagnostic of early pregnancy loss include a mean gestational sac diameter of 25 mm or greater with no embryo and no fetal cardiac activity when the crown-rump length is 7 mm or more. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Bleeding equal to or heavier than a menstrual period and bleeding accompanied by pain are associated with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss.2,7 Patients should be assessed for signs and symptoms of hypovolemia. Expectant management can be considered for patients whose peak -hCG level is below the discriminatory zone and is decreasing, but has plateaued or is decreasing more slowly than expected for a failed intrauterine pregnancy.30 In cases where the initial -hCG level is 200 mIU per mL (200 IU per L) or less, 88% of patients will have successful spontaneous resolution of the pregnancy; however, rates of spontaneous resolution decrease with higher -hCG levels.31 Patient counseling must include the risks of spontaneous rupture, hemorrhage, and need for emergency surgery. Trends in quantitative subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (-hCG) levels provide useful information when distinguishing normal from abnormal early pregnancy. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) also increases the chance of an ectopic pregnancy. Typically, if you go to your health care provider with concerns like this, they will order an ultrasound. The decision to manage the ectopic pregnancy medically or surgically should be informed by individual patient factors and preferences, clinical findings, ultrasound findings, and -hCG levels.12 Expectant management is rare but can be considered with close follow-up for patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy who are asymptomatic and have -hCG levels that are very low and continue to decrease.5. However, there are some very rare medical conditions that can cause high hCG levels. If your home pregnancy test is positive, your healthcare provider may offer a blood test to check your hCG levels. If its high enough (most studies use a threshold of about 3,500 mIU/mL, or milli-international units per milliliter, but this can vary by practice), this indicates that the pregnancy is far enough along that a gestational sac should be able to be seen on an ultrasound. Intramuscular methotrexate is the only medication appropriate for the management of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy. If an ultrasound doesnt show an embryo in your uterus, it could be that its too early in pregnancy to see the embryo, or it could be an ectopic pregnancy. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: An infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and nearby pelvic structures. Ectopic pregnancies are uncommon, but theyre very serious and can be life-threatening. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants outside of the uterine cavity. If the woman is less than 6 weeks pregnant and is bleeding but not in pain, consider expectant management. Take time to work through your feelings. PMID: 36122984. Patients should be counseled to avoid repeat pregnancy until at least one ovulatory cycle after the serum -hCG level becomes undetectable, although some experts recommend waiting three months so that the methotrexate can be cleared completely.27 There is no evidence that methotrexate therapy affects future fertility.28. An intra-uterine pregnancy can usually be seen by 5-6 weeks gestation or when the HCG level is more than 1000 IU/l. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. A single-dose methotrexate protocol is recommended for medical management of patients with ectopic pregnancy and low initial -hCG levels. Sometimes, the embryo can develop enough that a health care provider can detect the heartbeat. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. A Cochrane review found no difference in success rates between laparoscopic salpingostomy and medical treatment with systemic methotrexate, as well as no differences in tubal patency or subsequent fertility rates.40. If both fallopian tubes have been injured or removed, in vitro fertilization (IVF) might still be an option. Next, your doctor uses a thin tube equipped with a camera lens and light (laparoscope) to view the tubal area. Copyright 2023 American Academy of Family Physicians. Levels peaks during the first eight to 11 weeks of pregnancy, then decline and plateau. Did you notice anything unusual about it? The estimated mortality of ectopic pregnancy is between 2 and 4/1000. Some people with ectopic pregnancies are more stable at the time theyre diagnosed. Ultrasound Transvaginal ultrasound A transvaginal ultrasound allows your doctor to see the exact location of your pregnancy. Are you in pain? Have you been pregnant before? Once you have had an ectopic pregnancy, you are at higher risk of having another one. This pain can be managed expectantly as long as there are no signs of rupture.5 Gastrointestinal adverse effects (e.g., abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea) and vaginal spotting are common. Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus is called ectopic pregnancy. Search for doctors near you. If chorionic villi are seen, further workup is unnecessary, and exposure to methotrexate can be avoided(Figure 1).5,1517,21 If chorionic villi are not seen after uterine aspiration, it is imperative to initiate treatment for ectopic pregnancy or repeat -hCG measurement in 24 hours to ensure at least a 50% decrease. Slowly rising hCG levels may be the first clue . Higher-than-typical hCG levels can signal that you're carrying multiples or, in rare cases, have a molar pregnancy. If you have sudden, severe pain; shoulder pain; or weakness, you should go to an emergency room. There is no evidence that palpation during the pelvic examination leads to an increased risk of rupture.10, Beta human chorionic gonadotropin (-hCG) can be detected in pregnancy as early as eight days after ovulation.14 The rate of increase in -hCG levels, typically measured every 48 hours, can aid in distinguishing normal from abnormal early pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants outside of the uterine cavity. More often, patient symptoms combined with serial ultrasonography and trends in beta human chorionic gonadotropin levels are used to make the diagnosis. This may be because they have had more time to experience other conditions that put them at risk for ectopic pregnancies in the future. This does not require the removal of the fallopian tube. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. A Cochrane review found that medical management with misoprostol (Cytotec) in women with incomplete abortion does not improve rates of completed abortion or decrease the need for unplanned surgical procedures compared with expectant management.22 In contrast, medical management is more effective than expectant management for the treatment of anembryonic gestation or embryonic demise.25 The most effective regimen for medical management is 200 mg of oral mifepristone (Mifeprex) followed 24 hours later by 800 mcg of vaginally administered misoprostol.26 Success rates at two days with this regimen are 84% vs. 67% in those treated with misoprostol alone. PID is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection that spreads from the vagina to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Mayo Clinic. Patients who choose expectant management should have -hCG levels monitored every 48 hours, and medical or surgical management should be recommended if -hCG levels do not decrease sufficiently.5, This article updates a previous article on this topic by Barash, et al.12. Are you being treated for any other medical conditions? Uterus: A muscular organ located in the female pelvis that contains and nourishes the developing fetus during pregnancy. Guidelines for ultrasound diagnosis of early pregnancy loss have been established to decrease the likelihood of false diagnosis and of intervening in a desired viable pregnancy. Ectopic precautions and serial -hCG levels should be continued until the level is undetectable. ObstetricianGynecologist (Ob-Gyn): A physician with special skills, training, and education in womens health. In some cases, the fallopian tube can be saved. Urine tests. 2016;83(12):1083-1091. doi:10.1002/mrd.22747. Search dates: October 26, 2018, through January 14, 2020. The discriminatory -hCG level used at different. If theres a mass in the area of the fallopian tubes or ovary, this may represent an ectopic pregnancy. It's very important that the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is certain before receiving this treatment. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone thats very important throughout pregnancy. This combination should make an obstetrician-gynecologist consider the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Do you have vaginal bleeding? In this case, the pregnancy is called a pregnancy of unknown location. There is no consensus about the next steps if a pregnancy is of unknown location. Your doctor will order the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) blood test to confirm that you're pregnant. The initial -hCG level should be considered when following the rate of -hCG increase in early pregnancy. Patients should be counseled to avoid taking folic acid supplements and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can decrease the effectiveness of methotrexate, and to avoid anything that may mask the symptoms of ruptured ectopic pregnancy (e.g., narcotic analgesics, alcohol) and activities that increase the risk of rupture (e.g., vaginal intercourse, vigorous exercise). In these cases, the ectopic pregnancy can be removed from the tube, or the entire tube with the pregnancy can be removed. Patients, close monitoring of symptoms are associated with an ectopic pregnancy that 're! Join with a camera lens and light ( laparoscope ) to view the tubal area, ultrasonography... Ultrasonography and trends in quantitative subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG ) is a hormone produced the! Anything above 25 mIU/mL is considered positive for pregnancy chorionic villi that differentiate intrauterine pregnancy loss from ectopic in! 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ectopic pregnancy, hcg levels at 6 weeks