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The prophet Ezekiel was YHWHs messenger (angel) to the Israelite in captivity in Babylon. At the center of everything is an occupied throne. (Morgan). flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder came from the throne. Some like to interpret what John saw up through Revelation 19 as fulfilled in what took place before Johns day notably, in the Roman invasion and destruction of Jerusalem. WebHe who saw them in vision though there may have been no representation to the eye, had before him what was a real and appropriate representation of coming events. Commentators are divided on this point. b. And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. They were also seen guarding the Tree of Life. Finally, in Chapter 22 of Revelation, Page 5 of your printed material, John describes the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In Ezekiel, the water comes out from under the east threshold of the new temple, deepening as it flows east till no one can cross it. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Wiclif first used it, and translators in general have followed him in this uncouth rendering. (Clarke). Some commentators say these four creatures speak of the ensigns of the head tribes as Israel camped in four groups around the tabernacle in the wilderness. (LogOut/ Ezek.16:4653, The cup of God's wrath. (LogOut/ a. Two oldest manuscripts, A, B, Vulgate, Coptic, and Syriac read, " As it were a sea of glass." Three things however, are certain: As we read the Bible, we will search for Christ there, in both Old and New Testaments. The Emperor of Rome ruled over many lesser kings, and these kings were at times commanded to come before the Emperor and lay their crowns down before him in homage. Depend on it, he has told us all about heaven that is necessary to bring us there; and if he had revealed more, it would have served rather for the gratification of our curiosity than for the increase of our grace. (Spurgeon). The believer glories in the sovereignty of God, because he knows that Gods sovereignty is on his side. Economy picking exercise that uses two consecutive upstrokes on the same string, Is email scraping still a thing for spammers, Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. for the mercy-seat, the covering of the ark for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world (I John 2:1,2) Have we, then, shared the vision of Ezekiel and John, the revelation of the glory of God? Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. Ezekiel in Revelation Part VI: The Land ofGog, Ezekiel in Revelation Part V: The Time of Gog ofMagog, Ezekiel in Revelation Part IV: The Image of Jealousy / The Image of TheBeast, Ezekiel in Revelation Part III: Jerusalem, the Vine Tree and theWinepress, Ezekiel in Revelation Part II: Sodom &Gomorrah. As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face We are joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), and we will reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:12). For You created all things, Because there is no specific connection between the four faces of the cherubim and a particular gospel, different traditions have connected these four faces of the cherubim in different ways. 4 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standingopen in heaven. 3 And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This assignment reminded me of that again. In Section 5 of Revelation a sea of glass, clear as crystal is before the throne; in Ezekiel, Section 5, spread above the heads of the creatures, under the Almighty, is an expanse, sparkling like ice and awesome. 4 5, The Signs of Revelation Part III: Codes of the Colors andNumbers, The Signs of Revelation Part II: Codes and Symbols ofNature, The Signs of Revelation Part I: The Time of HisComing, Gods Definitions Part II: The House ofGod, Gods Definitions Part I: The House ofIsrael. a. Gods judgments are announced by a seven-sealed scroll, seven trumpets, seven signs, and seven bowls that pour out Gods wrath. Until we do that, we dont fulfill our created purpose. iv. Gods holy nature and character is declared, and emphasized with a three-time repetition. Revelation 4. Or, perhaps they are linked with the first and last gems in the high priests breastplate (Exodus 39:8-13). To receive glory and honor and power; If God was worthy of the glory and honor and power, then He should get the crown. b. iii. If not, the The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Ezek.10:12, No more delay in God's judgment. v. Perhaps it is safest to say that the four faces are important because they represent all of animate creation, in its utmost excellence. As in Revelation 1:8, the ancient Greek word is pantokrator, with the idea of the One who has His hand on everything., c. Who was and is and is to come: This repeats another idea from Revelation 1:8, and refers to Gods eternal Being. In comparison, the temple area in the time of Christ was perhaps 500 yards square. Revelation 5:614 describes the duties or purposes of the four living creatures. Much to learn from Ezekiel. The dwelling place of God is with men. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Thank you, Gina. c. Clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads: The white robes and crowns of the elders seem to indicate that they are indeed human beings in glory, of course. Knowing angels should worship God should prompt our worship also. The whole land of Israel is divided equally among the twelve tribes. The prophet taught the people to expect something better to come: In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earthand I will fill this house with glory.The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house and in this place I will grant peace (Haggai 2:6-9). In Ezekiel, Section 6, the distance all around the city is 18,000 cubits, that is, 27,000 feet or a little less than 5.2 miles. The Lamb is their shepherd. i. Ezekiel 1:1220 suggests that they are in constant motion around the throne. Beyond the linguistic parallels, there are other similarities in comparisons, concerning the opening visions and in the last sections of the books, which will be the focus of this study. The 24 courses of the priesthood represented all the priests (1 Chronicles 24), and the 12 tribes and the 12 apostles represent all the faithful. The creatures know where they are going; the chariot of the LORD, so to speak, also knows where it is going; in fact, the swift motion of the chariot in any direction is one of its striking features. The throne is a powerful declaration of not merely Gods presence, but of His sovereign, rightful reign, and His prerogative to judge. What shall we make of a lamb who suddenly appears as a shepherd, who has a bride and a marriage supper, of a lamb who shares a throne with God, who is the lamp and the temple of a new Jerusalem? (23) Franzmann goes on to suggest that we seem to have lost the understanding and appreciation of the symbol. ii. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (Matthew 23:37-39). (LogOut/ In Revelation 4, Section 3, John saw a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. The New Testament uses wording of the Prophet Ezekiel in almost 100 verses & 71 of these are in the Book of Revelation! WebFor many years I searched for God's meaning veiled in the four faces of the living creatures described in Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 4. Jesus finished speaking to and dealing with the churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, and all churches are comprehended in the seven. The whole last part of Ezekiel, then, with its tremendously detailed picture of the twelve tribes of Israel living in Gods new city, surrounding a new Temple, describes in Old Testament terms Jesus Christ among his people, the holy Christian church. Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith (Hebrews 10:19-23). In both Revelation and Ezekiel we have an appearance of the glory of the Lord, though Ezekiel, recognizing his own unworthiness to see God, calls it (Section 8) the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. The glory of the LORD appeared as a flaming lamp in Genesis 15, when the LORD established his covenant of grace with Abraham. The bottom line of humanism is that there is a throne, but man sits upon it. a. Now, in the words of Isaiah, the glory of the LORD has been revealed. What still remains to be fulfilled is that all mankind together will see it (Isaiah 40:5). Also, we should keep in mind the nature of symbolism: the symbol is always less than the reality. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. On July 13, 2019 By Gina In Revelation. The seal on the forehead of God's elect. In Shemoth Rabba, sec. WebREVELATION AND THE VISIONS OF THE PROPHETS EZEKIEL AND DANIEL IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Prophet Charts Old Testament compared to New Testament Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. Could this be the same song in Revelation 5 and 14? Commentators debate whether they are glorified human beings or angelic beings. The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. Rev.7:17. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. You have done so, but I intend to emulate you, and day by day, and night by night, pour forth my soul in sacred song. (Spurgeon, Holy Song from Happy Saints), ii. Around this setting of all sovereignty, power, authority and glory this setting of the throne of God God has a reminder of His promise to never destroy the earth again with water, a promise that directs His sovereignty, so that it is not capricious or against His promises. They know and understand, and have greater insight and perception than any man. Frequent Mistakes Part VI: The End of The World,or.??? Gods power put forth in the creation and administration of the world is twice here mentioned; as that which can never be sufficiently admired and adored. (Trapp). Passover, the Crucifixion, & the Lords Day; or Did Constantine Change the Day ofWorship? the most prominent feature is light: fire, lightning, rainbow, gemstones that brilliantly refract the light. viii. The end of the Kingdom of Judah was near: five years of captivity had passed and in another six years from now, in 586 B.C., the fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple were impending. Giants: Rephaim, Zamzummim, Emim, Amorite, Anakim, Nephilim,Zuzim, The Valley of Dry Bones, a Picture for the Children ofGod, The God of This Age, and The Prince of The Power of TheAir, The Zionist Lie of These Last Days, or How Is It That You Do Not Discern ThisTime?, The Burning of Jerusalem, and the HadeanDeath. Seeing the glory of God now through Jesus Christ in his Word, we know that a greater glory is coming. a. Granted, there do appear to be a few minor differences between the creatures Isaiah and Ezekiel sawand later the apostle John (compare Revelation 4:6-8 ). hippie fest 2022 michigan; family picture poses for 5 adults; unforgettable who killed rachel; pacific northwest college of art notable alumni; adler sense of belonging family constellation; Now, dear brothers and sisters, have you learnt to cast your crowns at the Saviors feet already? (Spurgeon), 2019 David Guzik No distribution beyond personal use without permission. 5 And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. (Ezek. How did Ezekiel know they were Cherubim? In Section 4 of Revelation, flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder came from the throne. If God wills us not to know, we ought to be satisfied not to know. The symbols have the effect of concealing only for those unwilling to come inside and thus get eyes to see the invisible. The cloud, representing the LORDs presence, filled the Temple; in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form (Colossians 2:9). The Thousand Year Reign of Revelation 20 Is It YetFuture? ii. Rev.10:17. The rainbow is a reminder of Gods commitment to His covenant with man (Genesis 9:11-17). Ezekiel in Revelation- Part VIII: On The Mountains ofIsrael. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne. As a sovereign, he might leave you to perish, but he has said, I will not leave thee nor forsake thee. As a sovereign, he might suffer you to be tempted beyond your strength, but he has promised that no temptation shall happen to you, but such as is common to man, and he will with the temptation make a way of escape. (Spurgeon). Does the Fourth Gospel identify (Revelation 4:8) as the Christ? How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? In the Temple the priests brought bloody sacrifices to the LORD; but now he has reconciled you by Christs physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation (Colossians 1:22).

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compare ezekiel 1 and revelation 4