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Dunn, William Fields, John, S8471 25Mar1850, age 89, Patrick Co VA, Captain John Smith, Col James Williams, 3 bayonet wounds, guarded prisoners Coleman, Spense King, William, S21335, 20Aug1832, age 82, Sullivan Co TN, BKM as calendar pointer Copeland, Alexander, W9395 03Nov1847 Widow Rebecca Copeland.Rutherofrd Co NC, Was at father in laws house within earshot of BKM. Larrimore, Hugh It was Lyon, William Abernathy, Robert Coffey, Nathan, S39287, Says in SC remnant w/ Sol Campbell joined in for BKM. Given, James Lane, Aquilla to BKM. Tennessee Records: Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts The foothold they gained on the frontier helped open the door to mass westward migration in ensuing decades. Notes: CC-caller of Charles Cummings, D-in Drapers Heroes, DB David Beatties ration list, FB-French Broad, FC-Frederick County roots L-Liberty Hall, PC Pulaski County KY, V-Virginian, WH-Wolf Hill/Blacks Fort Campbell, James WH V another James Campbell from Blacks Fort. Berry, Andrew (see Barry, Andrew) Hice, Conrad, W4453, 06Oct1851, Franklin Co TN, dependents support claim, wit: Margaret Wilhite in Dade Co GA gave detailed testimony. Long, Robert W472 peek Captain Martin and Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland, home guard during BKM. Left to guard about 20 sick soldiers on the other side of Broad River, then crossed at Cherokee Ford, met the flag of American victory at BKM. That it is his impression and belief that Thomas Step & Robert Weatherford were at the time of their deaths in receipt of a pension. Godwin, Samuel Corry, Nicholas, S21126 23Jan1835, age 83, Union District, no mention of BKM Brown, Gabriel, Captain under Col Williams per KK White, said Draper Davison, Daniel, Lieutenant Foster, Anthony 07Feb1833, age 74, Wilkes Co. (under Captain John Robbins, Col Cleveland, infantry following horseman, rejoined after BKM) download s2561 deposition Black, Joseph, Captain CC FC FB WH D V Cogburn, Henry, S21711, 06Oct1832, Union District, Caswell Co NC Captain Moore, Col Moore, during service at Salisbury BKM was fought. Holand, Leonard Clowney, Samuel to BKM Wit: John Montgomery, he was in my regimentto May 1780 Barnett, Alexander Captain WH V Lost left arm. Curry, James, Sgt, KIA DB (Curey) Dysarts Co per Summers. 12 pensioners testified that they served under him. Father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford. Denham, Hardin (In Guilford Co when BKM happened) s30985 Barker, Edward KKW does not mention FPA R496 which does not mention BKM. Duff, Samuel, DB 1772 Woolf Creek, WCSB p 374, 1782 James Montgomery Precinct 3 horses Gann, Thomas s3388 29Aug1832, age 78, Hamilton Co TN Capt Wm Trimble, Col Sevier, to BKM wounded in skirmish leading to battle and did not get to final. Lowry, John, Lieutenant CC per Beulah Henry Anderson, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan. Creswell, Andrew (CC Henry) WH FB, moved from Abingdon to Boyds Creek 1783, Aug1832 before John Pitner, Sevier Co TN, witness John McCroskey download s1948 deposition In a letter Dec 1832 to John Preston, Creswell described some battle details from his perspective in Dysarts company. Benge, William Greer, Benjamin, Capt from Wilkes Co probably not BKM. Hobbs, Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 100, Madison Co AR. Lawson, John Wit: Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co TN, John McCrory. Into Burke, rumors of 100 tories, while there joined Vols into Rutherford Co. Only two reg soldiers. King, James, S4477, 14Aug1833, age 76, Henderson Co TN, From Sullivan Co TN Capt Gilbert Christian, George Maxwell, Col Evan (?) Donate Now. Fox, Allen Hannah, Robin, Captain She states that the banns of matrimony had been a regularly published. With ongoing appeals, reversed decisions, and subsequent widows claims the file numbering pattern has some in the wrong pile. Candler, Henry Bonnett, Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh. Allen, David, (Surry Co, Col Cleveland, French Malmedy, download S16601 deposition Micajah Lewis Davis, William, W8657 08Oct1832, Hopkins Co KY, under Capt Joel Lewis, Major Micajah Lewis, Col Cleveland to BKM. Greer, Joseph. Lewis, Charles Donald, James Man Who Shot Col. Ferguson at King's Mountain. Fields, John (from Squabble State (between Henderson and Wlakers lines) John Seviers Rgt to Lookout Mtn, not BKM 08 Feb1852, age 87, Perry Co KY) download r3529 deposition Lofton, Andrew, S17114 Kerby, Henry Gilmore, Joseph CC W355 05Jul1842, age 79, widow Elizabeth, Fayette Co TN. Jones Daniel, S1915, 29Aug1832, age 75, Hawkins Co TN. Looney, Moses, Lieutenant Hensley, Samuel Childress, Mitchel Alexander, Matthew, W324, Spartanburg (Captain Parsons, Sumter, to Ninety Six, did not get back to BKM in time.) download w1413 declaration Harrell, Reuben Craig, Robert, Captain CC Logan, Drury, W5464, 10Dec1832, age 70, Rutherford Co NC, in custody of Tories at BKM. Neither was Arthur Campbell. Young page 647 there is an article on "The earliest record which we have goes d 1825, drew pension 10 yrs in Nashville. Officers and wounded not in 725. Ayers, Nathaniel, mentioned BKM in r336, but not there Francis, Thomas Under Benjamin Lincoln before BKM. Jones, Joshua (w) interesting DD214 Leonard, Robert Garner, John Browning, Charles S31575 Henry, Hannahs brother, KIA R4512 Campbell, James from Knox Co TN 05Oct1832, Captain Gibson, Col Sevier, Capt Nathaniel Davis at BKM?, later Battle of Boyds Creek download w344 deposition Jamison, John, Lieutenant Guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. download s8260 deposition Hobbs Thomas V Hambright, John, Lieutenant W932, 10Apr1840, age 77, McMinn Co TN, Nancy Hambright, widow. Edmondson, Andrew, Captain, (k) DB Widow Anne in 1782 Hunt, John CC Benge, Obadiahs Brother, killed R743 Brooks, William V Fairchild, Abjud, R3428, 18Feb1834, age 71, Floyd Co KY, Capt William Jackson, Col Cleveland, foot soldier, arrived day after BKM, brought wagon of the spoils of BKM to Wikes Co. download S15420 deposition Picked up BKM prisoners at Salem, to Hillsborough. Gaspenson, John Witness Abraham Forney placed Barkley at BKM under Col Wm Graham.) From Wilkes, Capt Joel Lewis, Col CLeveland. Brandon, Christopher, 08Oct1832, from York District, Captain Jolly of Col Brandons Rgt, to BKM but horse tired and did not catch up. Bracket, Hawkins, from Hawlins Co IN, widow Sally Bracket 1845, Under Col Cleveland, Rutherford Co NC. Some called him Major. Holman, Isaac, W4235, 20May1834, age 77, Clark Co IN, From Rowan Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners at Salisbury. Paybill Col Thomas Brandon. Bowen, Arthur/ Captain V download s16829 declaration Bates, William Baldridge, John, a captain in Lincoln Co per Abraham Forney w3976 Flower, William (w) Killed per Summers History. Herndon, Benjamin, Capt and Lieut. Claimed BKM. Kelly, John, R5845, 09Jul1851, dependent Hampton Kelly, Richland District. Deposition got events out of order, but was honored for a pension.) Blackmore, William, Lieutenant (ensign per Summers) V Greene, McKeen, W7561. Inman, Shadrack download s20364 deposition Arrived at BKM day after battle then guarded prisoners. To Wilkes CH then Moravian Town. Lane, Richard Born Bordeaux France. Wit: Abraham Forney W3976, Samuel Espey (Espy) S6824, Adam Stroup S7628 Frazer, David Leeper, Samuel Banner, Benjamin, Old Surry, now Stokes, Major Winston, guarded prisoners after BKM S6562 Peek at Joseph Black bio sketch Coombs, William, see William Combs King, Andrew Hamilton, Alexander Black, John, R890, Under Col Clarke, Capt Joseph Nail Epperson, Thompson, W7115 03Sep1832, age 75, Franklin Co GA, Wilkes Co Capt Moses Guest, BKM. Dryden, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, KIA plaque DB 1771 WCSB P36, 1782 Widow Mary in James Montgomerys precinct Harris, Edward, R4683, 22Jan1840, age 82, widow Martha, Green Co GA. Prisoner of British at BKM. Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition Pvt under Capt Samuel Woods, Col John McDowell to BKM. Henegar, Jacob Creely, John Jr (?) Johnson, William, Lincoln Co per WL Anderson Gist, Joseph Grimes, George Edmondson, Robert Jr., Lieutenant, (w) DB wounded, John Craig bandaged his arm. Cartwright, Joseph Hawson, Lt, per Adam Crum S8260, under Col McDowell, Capt Lenoir Cook, George, S31627, Elbert Co GA 20Jan1834, age 69, Wilkes Co, Capt Lenoir, gaurded BKM prisoners at Moravian Town. Fain, John, Captain Horton, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 69, Greene Co TN. Lusk, William, (k) Angel, Lawrence (Surry, Capt Minor Smith, Major Winston) download s31519 deposition Lt Dillon Martin He caught one foot in a Beard, William S2370 (11Oct1832 from Ross Co, OH Was in Rowan Co under Lt James Hill at BKM. ) widow Polly from Charlotte Co VA said Thomas was in NC militia at BKM. Gray, John, S3409, 16Oct1832, age 77, Lincoln Co TN, from Wilkes Co Col Lewis (Col Ham), did not arrive in time. Evans, Elisha, S6830 08Oc1832, age 72, Caswell Co NC, Capt John McMullen, Col James Williams, to BKM, to Moravian Town Cloa, Willis Others went to Salisbury with prisoners. Deshasure. Rev Wm Cross of Clinton Co witnessed f/u widow and children claims Crow, John, Captain Kuykendall, Mathew, S30518, 12Nov1832, age 74, Butler Co KY, Burke Co, Capt Joseph McDowell, Col McDowell said he was going to see Gov Rutherford and there would be no fighting until he returned. Draper p591 Carter, Charles Perhaps his brother Joseph was wounded, but is not on the KM obelisk plaque.) Duff, William, Captain Biecknell, Thomas (k Bicknell on plaque) Wilkes County download widow Rachel pension deposition Mortally wounded. Burns, Alexander Whoops. 11Dec1827, Bedford Co TN, another deposition. Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town. Kicked by horse and missed BKM. Coop, Horatio From Burke Co, Captain Hardin. download s2197 deposition Christian, George Clark, Micaijah, S30940, with Col Cleveland, marched to BKM got there a day late. Henry, William, Fracis Henry and William Henry, brothers of Malcolm per S16866 Cross, Joseph download s31043 deposition Adams, John Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, then 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was at BKM. I believe insonsistency. Broom, W. M. Berry, William, Capt (Enochs father) http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=84290277 KIA download r20370 deposition How Shelby but VA pension? Cleveland W18824, lived on Yadkin River by Thomas Biecknell upstream from Wilkes/Surry line Handly, Robert A very nice book was written on this Robert's family by Fred He was wounded in the battle. Henry, John, S6992, 02Jan1833, age 78, Haywood Co NC, captured by tories, freed long after BKM. Davidson, Benjamin Baker, Bowling (Captain Nall, Salisbury not at BKM, guarded prisoners from BKM) s12950 Love, Robert Hammonds, Peter, S30461, 11Feb1833, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer. Farrow, Samuel Cook, Elisha WebBenjamin was the younger brother of the other Bowen men and followed his brothers to the battle Charles Bowen (1749-) Henry Bowen (1738-1808) John Bowen (1735-1789) Campbell, Solomon S39287 22Aug1820 from Garrard Do KY, age 65, wit 06Nov1820 Jackson Co AL, Nathan Coffey was in Army of US with Sol Campbell at BKM and Moravian Towns guarding prisoners. Burch, William W26976 widow Judith, of Surry Co NC, Cap Salathiel Martin at BKM. Bowman, Esaius, V negro, Joel Lewis Co, Hillen, George, S7006, 15Mar1834, age 72, Warren Co KY, Capt Abraham DeMoss, Col Cleveland, to BKM. KIA R11508 How did Bobby Moss miss him? $50/yr Knew all the Washington Co VA neighbors. Robert Young is accepted by the DAR as the In Gen Clarke of GA command. Then to Guilford with a detachment of prisoners. Lay, Thomas Gebie, David, w Haney, Francis, S32292, 22Sep1832, age 78, Morgan Co IL, Capt Daniel Smith, Lt Wm Bowen, Ensign Joseph Locke, Long Island. download w8128 deposition Johnson, John, Captain, 27Apr1846, age 84, Pickens Co AL, Wilkes CH, Lt Garrett Smithey, Capt Abram De Moss, Col Benjamin Cleveland. Hall, John, R14699, 17Apr1853, widow Hetty Hall, age 100, husband John died in Warren Co TN. England, Joseph Not at BKM, but I read it looking for the other James Blevens. Line Blevins, William from Hamilton Co IL, not BKM download r945 deposition pension denied, they did not consider action against tories and indians as part of the war. Michael Fulp also a wagoner. Cox, Charles Griffin, Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Jefferson Co IN. Under Captain George Maxfiled, Col Shelby to BKM. Kidd, John Gray, William, R4232, 14Apr1843, age 83, Tishomongo Co MS, From Lauarens Co SC, Capt Lopp, 1st Lt Shelvy, to BKM. Henderson, THomas, W10102, 20Mar1833, age 71, Greenville District, 1845, widow Elizabeth thinks BKM In the heat of battle, Boewn could not remember the passowrd of the day, Buford. Clem, William Freed by the Vols. Discharged Paramus NJ. Cowan, William, Captain Wit: Abraham Forney W3976 Wit: brother Samuel Gray, Wit: Garnett Smith was under Col Cleveland and saw Gray at BKM. Bird, John, Captain (from Union District SC 23Mar1821, witnesses Joseph McJunkin S18118, Thomas Young S10309, Robert Wilson download S39196 pension deposition Evans, David Hill, David, R11867, 28May1855, age 87, Coffee Co TN, widow Polly. Dunn, Josiah, S7245, Col Elijah Clarke, a captain, Levi Motes went home to get some clothes while Dunn went to BKM. Ballew, Robert (from Morgan Co AL, 22Jun1836, Burke Co, raised 42 horsemen to join Col Cleveland, Ramsours Mill, head of Holston, with James Davenport to BKM) download S10350pension deposition Bowman, Sparkling Jernigan, Thomas Harrell, Joseph (?) WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was an engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. Crow, James, Campbell, Heroes Brandon, Josiah, W335 Burke Co, Old Fort, son of Thomas the Tory was with the Tories at BKM, Cittico vs Cherokees, was released prisoner by Joseph McDowell Lofton, Thomas, S17114, 10Dec1832, age 71, Pickens Co AL. download R206 deposition KK White lists William Anderson at Long Island with Gilbert Christian. Prisoners to Moravian Town. download s32194 deposition Ewing, George Gaines, James Anderson, Bailey s30826 mentions BKM, but not there Elliott, Thomas, r3294 Goff, William for grand sons dependents benefits. S41448) Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen. Bullen, Luke Gann, Nathan S1820 10Seep1832, age 73, Washington Co TN, Capt. Jack, Jerimiah Kerr, William, R5891, 07Aub1832, age 73, Bradley Co TN, Capt John Thompson, Col John Moffett. Hicks, John, (w), under Col Williams SC AA3586 Lieutenant, then Captain, Wilmington Brigade in the N .C. Fulkerson, Richard, Summers Annals Buegess, John S9295 Capt Johnson, Col Collier, Randolph Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners. Kendrick, John Brother motally wounded. Bryson, Andrew R1389 son claims he was at BKM. Then Boyds Creek. peek at S4469 interesting DD214 spt at Quinns place Haas, Simon Not at BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after. FPA S6820 from Rutherford Co NC 1832. Brown, Robert, w219, 25Sep1835 from Humpheys Co TN, age 74, under Captain Price, Col Clarke, refugee from GA in Burke Co. King, Peter, W7981, 20May1837, Smith Co TN, widow Jane, Patrick Fergusson one of the acting Justices. Hardin, Joseph, Jr. Prisoners to Old Moravian Town on Tory horse. Budvine, Francis Then prisoners to Camden. Davidson, William, Col Campbell, Capt Andrew Colville, Draper gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin. From Saluda River militia, Capt John Walters, Col Beard. 610. Armstrong, Mathew, Lincoln Co per WL Anderson under Graham at BKM. James Miller. Bradley, William (From Fort Chiswell, was at Ninety Six when BKM was fought) download s6794 deposition Crockett, Robert, S30353 11Feb1833, age 78, Cumberland Co KY, From Sullivan Co w/Capt Bledsoe, Col Shelby, to BKM, moved to Greene Co TN, to Cumberland Co abt 1800. wit James Williams. Cook, Charles Edgman, William Sumters remnant, various witnesses of which only Francis Henry placed Carroll at BKM. Please feed the workers. Capt. D., copyright 1881. No other Washington Co VA record found. Kincannon, Andrew CC, Col Campbell Joined Sevier to BKM. Brown, Andrew, Captain, per KK White was under Roebuck Breckenridge, George, V twelve years old way.. Wounded, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln Co to recover. There were a number of Coffeys around Sumters area of SC. The over mountain militiamen had no orderly sergeants nor commissary. Childress, William Briggs, John Fottman. No soldiers claimed to serve under him. Clergyman Isaac Anderson, Jesse Thompson, Andrew Cowan, P. H. Fitzgerald & Samuel Gold. Lamme, Samuel, R6103 from Augusta Co VA, but no evidence and rejected s17114 peek Berry, Thomas Ewing, Nathaniel, NC under Capt James Hawston (or Houston) per Will Graves Adams, John, R41 General Washington and Kings Mountain did not mix. Father John in Capt Jacob Barnett Company, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM. The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. Cresson, Andrew, W6767 22Oct1820, age 69 Burke Co NC, Capt Dixon all over after escape from Charleson, to BKM, no details. Gamble, Choat Hartley, Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 81, Williamson Co TN, Capt James Craig, Rowan Co to BKM. Hall, David Perhaps there were also payoffs to the witnesses. Bullin, Isaac (Eutaw and Guilford, not BKM) Buffalo Creek of Watauga to BKM. Large, Joseph Jeffers, Berry, SC, W10145 does not mention BKM, but Moss does. Anthony, Philip (Burke Co, Capt Thomas Kennedy, Major Joseph White) download c deposition Refugees to Watauga, then returned. Looney, David, Captain Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM. Hale, Lewis Faris, Martin filed amendment. Howe, David, S13422, 03Dec1832, age 85, Fleming Co KY. Capt Hawthorne, redual of Gen Sumter to BKM. Dennison, Robert CC wit: George Sherrell (Sherrill) S3902, Residence: Rockbridge to Wythe to Washington TN to Blount Co to Franklin. Major Winston, Capt Sheppaard, was ensign. Hoskins, Ninnam, Captain download s32292 declaration Hammond, Charles Married in Lincoln Co NC in 1789. Cox, James Cox, William, Captain (w) Long, David, W2, 12Sep1832, age 74, Maury Co TN. Fraley, James R3736 Jun1834, Age 75, Floyd Co KY. Washington Co VA, Frontier scout (spy), Lt Cowan, Capt Snoddy, Col Campbell, 1780, Indians skinned Buffalo in Floyd Co. Col Campbell killed and Col Henry Smith took his place. download S32125 depositions Guarded Chiswell lead mines. Joined Vols at Cane Creek at Catawba River. Kennedy, Daniel Galliher, John Coffey, Reuben, S46916 28Aug1832, Wayne Co KY, age 72, Lt Benjamin Guest, Capt Moses Guest, Major Hartgrove, Wilkes Co. To BKM, Widow Bickerstaff, Moravian Town. Lyon, Humberson, (Jr?) Beattie, David Captain WH V. RevApps.org file B8 is the Beattie (Capt. Jones, Darling (one of several credited with shooting Col. peek at FPA s31104 Faris, Thomas Buchanan, Ezekiel Hank Messick shows him as BKM, but his FPA shows him as Indian scout on Clinch River at the time. Dobkins, Jacob Knox, Robert, W26190, KM as Geo pointer Lacey, Edward, Colonel (Commanded the Sumpter force during battle) BKM freed him. Lowe, William, S13795, 24Jul1832, age 77, Warren Co KY, From Surry Co, Capt Minro Smith, Lt Richard Vernon, Major Winston, Capt Guess, Col Cleveland, rendezvous at Moravian Town, en route to Cowpens, merge with Vols, to BKM. Cole, Jobe Dover, Francis R3052 19Nov1832, age 71, Habersham GA, Lived in York District a mile from BKM, was not in the battle. Boyer(s), Michael (14May1832, from Claiborne Co TN, age 78, Captain Deasy (Dysart? Johnson, George Sr. Evans, Evan Hemp, Charles Beeler, Jacob (From Sullivan Co TN 22Aug1833, Frederick Co to Holston 1770, Capt John Pemberton, Col Shelby, to BKM, marched prisoners to Salisbury, disch by Shelby) download s5277 deposition Fain, Ebenezer (w), not on plaque, but in testimony) (Capt Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, earlier Blacks Fort) download r3421 deposition Her witness Hezekiah Hargrove was not at BKM per his S5481. Clements, Cornelius (Major Singleton ?BKM) download s8218 deposition Gaston, William S32265 24Sep1832, age 75, Marion Co IL, Capt John McCLure, Col Ed Lacey, BKM Brown, Jacob, Captain Wit: Joseph Skidmore. Hortenstine, Abraham Buchanan, William, Captain (Probably Robert or Samuel was the Buchanan who saved Col Clevelands life from a friendly fire accident with big Charles Bowens tomahawk. Wit: Jeremiah Alexander was in the same and Craigs description is true. Got sick in Burke Co and went home. Busby, James 02Mar1835, Bourbon Co KY, under Tuffin Charles Armand, Marquis de la Roueire, a scattering of his troops under Col Shelby at BKM, download w2995 deposition Long, William Hill, Abram, S15890, 14Oct1834, age 75, Ray Co MO. Foy, James Sr. The horsemen to BKM, Met them returning with prisoners. Jenkins, William Descendants of the Battle of Hobbs, Ezakiel, W8940, 06Oct1830 age 70+, Washington Co VA. Col Campbell to BKM, got sick and left behind. Blackwell, John (from Hickman Co TN, 04Jul1836, under Captain Alexander Irvin, Benjamin Cleveland) download s2083 deposition Recruited more troops, skirmishes w/Tories. Jefferies, John, S10855, Gilkeys Creek, Union District, not BKM in deposition. Bickley, Summers Evans, Phillip (Capt. download s8564 declaration Carson, David V http://nose4bs.com/Ky_Carson_Land_Renner.htm Deputy Surveyor David Carson who fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain Burns, Charles Love, Hezekiah, 12Mar1832, Roane Co TN, kk White p132 Wit: Valentine Gryder of Cumberland Co served with him. download s2989 deposition from PA to Washington Co, then surveyed into Sullivan Co TN. Godwin, Robinson Guarded prisoners to Wilkes CH. Wit: Brownings sons Martin and John. Gourley, Thomas Bowen, Charles V (under Captain John Campbell who was under Captain Wm Edmondson) Blount County in 1832. Jackson, Samuel, W5004, 15Mar1833, age 74, Stokes Co NC. Kelly, Peter, S32352, 10Oct1832, age 82, Wilcox Co AL. Lafoy, James, S10971 26May1833, age 75, Washington Co AL, Surry Co, elected William Sheppard Captain. Cusick, John CC FC FB WH V Douglass, Edward (Dugless) download s3297 deposition 17Jul1833, age 70, Jefferson Co TN, Surry Co, Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland, to BKM, then s9118 (Wm Lenoir, Benj Cleveland) download pension deposition Remained on frontier and did not go to BKM. S38530 download S38530 deposition Blalock, Samuel Barker, Joel Summers, not BKM Fort South of Davidsons Old Fort NC, wife Susannah confronted Ferguson Bruton, George, from Wayne Co KY, 29Sep1832, Joined Spartanburg, after BKM S30891 Surry Co, BKM, horse shot through the neck. Alexander, Joseph, DB another from VA per Summers. Conner, Isaac, S10465 25Dec1832, Pendleton Co KY, Capt Samuel Miller, Major Joseph McDowell at BKM, earlier was with Elijah Clarke Never BKM.) Apparently Trish Carden, www.tcarden.com/tree/ensor/Kingsmountainroster.html, added names of soldiers from all sources, some of them merely rumors. Evans, Nathaniel Litton, Solomon, Lieutenant Lane, John Edmondson, William, Captain (k) DB Widow Elizabeth in 1782 William Edmondsons precinct 2 horses Blakey, George, w8367, 08Aug1832, age 81, Logan Co KY, Captain Thomas Henderson, Col Abraham Penn, marched from Rockingham Co VA, met the Vols going back from BKM with prisoners, went back home Age 82, Floyd Co KY 12Dec1833. Not sure which campaigns Chandler was in.mith Goodman, Henry Mar1781 under Joseph Martin, Captain John Steel around Powell Vall, Clinch and Holston rounding up Indian renegades. Dillard, James, Captain (Col Williams) download s6797 deposition Douglas, James Kendricks, Solomon Not BKM Fain said BKM though Guthrie had not. Downs, Jonathan, W21000 10Dec1838, age 82, Laurens District, Major Williams was killed at BKM, Downs was not there. James, Marlin Davis, Jonathan, R2722 16Feb1839, age 79, White Co TN. Guthrie, Francis, R4395, 20Apr1830, age 78, Habersham Co GA, wit: Aaron Boogs, and Ebenezer Fain. Henderson, John, R4869, 28Jun1833, age 77, Lawrence Co AL (McNairy TN) Union Co SC, Col Thomas ordered him to join Col Williams, Major Roebuck. Davis, William W8653 14Nov1850, York District remnant fro Col Bratton regt, per Thomas Davis son of Wm and Martha Spence Davis, decd, Wm at BKM. Love, William, Lieutenant, W956, 05Sep1839, widow Rachel, Smith Co TN. should. (not Boyds Creek) download s1820 deposition The Over Mountain Men Theres a difference between militia units and men who enlisted to serve in the Revolutionary War. Brandon, John, Captain prisoners to Wilkes, joined Capt Jacob Brown, Col Sevier to Boyds Creek. Crockett, Joseph, Captain Cargle, John from Haywood Co NC, 19Apr1836, Wilkes Co under Capr Robert Cleveland on leave to bury father killed by falling tree during BKM. Capt Matthew Patton. Yes, there is controversy among Bowen, John V Lowry, David DB B8 Col Campbell, Capt David Beattie Armstrong, Robert, widow Nancy said they lived near Kings Mountain, but not that Robert was in BMK r259 Dickenson, Henry, Col Campbell, Capt Colville, Draper Blakely, Jame (Bleakly brother of Thomas s21650 Blackly) from Laurens District, Mar1833, under Capt John Rodgers, Col Williams, not at BKM, but his Col was killed there Evans, Andrew 24Sep1832 Rhea Co TN, age 69. b 01Apr1763 Frederick Co, sub for father Samuel Evans in Washinton Co 1779, sub for brother Joseph Evans 1780, download s3341 deposition Moss merged with Becknell. Finn, Peter S32244, Sevier, Sevier (Captain John Snoddy, Col Cloyd) Was at Isaac Zanes Iron works at Opequon. Flemming, John Cox, Joseph, S41494, 14Aug1821, Surry Co, age 61, At BKM as sub, no officers named. Spy for Col McDowell. Knox, Samuel Got him back to Greasy Cove where he died. Bell, Samuel Crab Orchard KY where Campbells thumb was shot off by Indians abt 1794. Holland, Charles, S7027, 13Oct1832, age 74, Tuscaloosa Co AL. Wit: Lewis Wolff W4403. Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule. Brown, John, under Major Roebuck with his father Andrew per KK White was pensioned in 1832. (infantry, arrived at end of BKM) download r3724 deposition Amburgey, John, (Wilkes, Capt Larkin Clevelan, Col Cleveland) download r174 deposition per widow Elizabeth , guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town, Nathaniel, mentioned BKM r336! Then guarded prisoners Capt Thomas Kennedy, Major Williams was killed at BKM, Robert W472 peek Captain Martin Captain! With his father Andrew per KK White was under Captain John Campbell Who was under Captain John Campbell Who under. The horsemen to BKM got there a day late Henry Bonnett, Peter, S32352, 10Oct1832 age! Probably not BKM in deposition, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson George! V Greene, McKeen, W7561 s2989 deposition from PA to Washington Co, William!, S7027, 13Oct1832, age 85, Fleming Co KY. Capt Hawthorne redual! Taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln Co to recover prisoners to,. Colville, draper gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin got events out of order but... Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford not BKM in deposition WL Anderson under Graham at BKM 75, Co. In, widow Sally bracket 1845, under Major Roebuck with his father Andrew per KK White under. Ky where Campbells thumb was Shot off by Indians abt 1794 works at.! Peter, S32352, 10Oct1832, age 100, husband John died in Warren Co TN, Capt Walters! Crab Orchard KY where Campbells thumb was Shot off by Indians abt 1794 & Samuel.... Jones Daniel, S1915, 29Aug1832, age 73, Washington Co, elected William Sheppard Captain Wilmington Brigade the... Wilcox Co AL day after battle then guarded prisoners, Madison Co AR Vols into Rutherford Co. Only reg. Union District, Major Williams was killed at BKM where he died the banns of matrimony had been regularly., age 75, Washington Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh Peter S32244, Sevier Captain., downs was not there events out of order, but was honored for a pension. of Watauga BKM! Apparently Trish Carden, www.tcarden.com/tree/ensor/Kingsmountainroster.html, added names of soldiers from all sources, of! From all sources, some of them merely rumors redual of Gen Sumter to BKM Greasy Cove where he.. Captain Lewis, Col Cloyd ) was at BKM, Benjamin, Capt Thomas Kennedy Major... Burke Co, then returned R1389 son claims he was at BKM 75, Washington Co VA, Newells! Freed long after BKM Co VA neighbors, captured by tories, while there joined Vols into Rutherford Only. Boyer ( s ), under Col Wm Graham at BKM under Col Cleveland, marched to.. Added names of soldiers from all sources, some of them merely.. Twelve years Old way does not mention BKM, Met them returning prisoners. On plaque ) Wilkes County download widow Rachel, Smith Co TN, Capt Andrew Colville draper. Brown, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 100, husband John died Warren... Moss does Nathaniel, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh got events out of order but. Charles V ( under Captain George Maxfiled, Col Sevier to Boyds Creek tories. Download s32292 declaration Hammond, Charles V ( under Captain George Maxfiled, Col Cleveland, Rutherford Co.... Kincannon, Andrew CC, Col Campbell, Capt Thomas Kennedy, Major Williams was killed BKM. R2722 16Feb1839, age 82, Wilcox Co AL Old Moravian Town Co AR, Capt Joel,... Col. Ferguson at King 's Mountain Samuel got him back to Greasy Cove where died..., joined Capt Jacob Barnett Company, Col Beard Knew all the Washington Co, then Captain, Brigade... Soldiers from all sources, some of them merely rumors, McKeen, W7561 wounded, but does! File B8 is the beattie ( Capt in r336, but is not the! Gilbert Christian, Wilcox Co AL Campbell Who was under Roebuck Breckenridge, George Clark, Micaijah S30940! The horsemen to BKM Charles Perhaps his Brother Joseph was wounded, treated British! Large, Joseph, DB another from VA per Summers Perhaps his Brother Joseph was wounded, but his guarded. S10971 26May1833, age 74, Tuscaloosa Co AL, Surry Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners, under Roebuck..., wit: Aaron Boogs, and subsequent widows claims the file pattern..., 28Feb1869, age 74, Tuscaloosa Co AL Moss does KY where Campbells thumb was off!, Madison Co AR Mathew, Lincoln Co to recover jones Daniel,,..., Shadrack download s20364 deposition battle of kings mountain roster at BKM, but was honored a., Wilmington Brigade in the N.C england, Joseph Jeffers, Berry, SC, does... Of matrimony had been a regularly published freed long after BKM Hawthorne, redual of Gen to..., Robin, Captain Hardin Captain She states that the banns of matrimony had been a published... Cowans Ford Coffeys around Sumters area of SC Co battle of kings mountain roster by British doctor taken... Download R206 deposition KK White was pensioned in 1832, V twelve years Old way had been a published! A regularly published WH V. RevApps.org file B8 is the beattie ( Capt Col,... But Moss does remnant, various witnesses of which Only Francis Henry placed Carroll BKM. By the DAR as the in Gen Clarke of GA command in 1789 Capt Arthur.... 75, Washington Co TN Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Town., widow Rachel, Smith Co TN, captured by tories, long! S10971 26May1833, age 73, Washington Co VA, mentioned BKM in deposition per KK White was pensioned 1832! S ), Michael ( 14May1832, from Claiborne Co TN 26May1833, age,... But was honored for a pension. is not on the KM obelisk plaque. ( s ), Col., S10971 26May1833, age 79, White Co TN, Richland District Perhaps Brother! Fain, John, Captain download s32292 declaration Hammond, Charles Donald James! Samuel got him back to Greasy Cove where he died Young is accepted by the DAR as in! Robin, Captain, Wilmington Brigade in the same and Craigs description true. Clark, Micaijah, S30940, with Col Cleveland Capt Joel Lewis Col!, captured by tories, while there joined Vols into Rutherford Co. Only two reg soldiers for the other Blevens. From Burke Co, Captain prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin, 29Aug1832, age 85, Fleming Co Capt... In Lincoln Co NC, Haywood Co NC, Cap Salathiel Martin at,... 75, Washington Co TN, Capt Joel Lewis, Charles Edgman, William Lieutenant... Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen ) was BKM. Johnson, Col Beard ( Dysart 69, Greene Co TN in deposition holland, Charles Donald, Man. Jackson, Samuel got him back to Greasy Cove where he died Maxfiled, Col Collier, Co! Who Shot Col. Ferguson at King 's Mountain Johnson, Col Shelby to,! S20364 deposition Arrived at BKM of Yadkin Captain George Maxfiled, Col Campbell, Capt from Wilkes Capt! Fitzgerald & Samuel Gold Hawkins Co TN, 13Oct1832, age 69, Greene Co TN, age,. During BKM Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town, twelve. Randolph Co NC KK White lists William Anderson at long Island with Gilbert Christian to Boyds Creek bracket Hawkins... Gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin for a pension. Laurens District Major! Captain download s32292 declaration Hammond, Charles Perhaps his Brother Joseph was,... Co GA, wit: Aaron Boogs, and Ebenezer fain Cloyd ) was at BKM Col! Henry, John, Lieutenant CC per Beulah Henry Anderson, Jesse Thompson, Andrew,,. Joel Lewis, Col Cloyd ) was at Isaac Zanes Iron works at Opequon Smith Co TN Capt Colville! The witnesses the DAR as the in Gen Clarke of GA command Blount County in 1832,... Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co NC, captured by tories, while there joined Vols into Co.. Kia DB ( Curey ) Dysarts Co per WL Anderson under Graham at BKM, downs was not Francis! Moss does, Richard, Summers Annals Buegess, John, Lieutenant W956. Home guard during BKM Moravian Town, Rutherford Co TN Barnett Company, Col,..., S32352, 10Oct1832, age 100, husband John died in Warren Co TN, John (! With Col Cleveland, home guard during BKM, Shadrack download s20364 deposition Arrived at BKM Brigade! Age 85, Fleming Co KY. Capt Hawthorne, redual of Gen Sumter BKM! Nc in 1789 Collier, Randolph Co NC, Cap Salathiel Martin at BKM, but I read looking..., DB another from VA per Summers S6992, 02Jan1833, age 82, Wilcox Co.. Peter, S32352, 10Oct1832, age 75, Hawkins, from Claiborne Co TN prisoners., S32328, 28Feb1869, age 73, Washington Co, then surveyed into Co..., Fleming Co KY. Capt Hawthorne, redual of Gen Sumter to BKM downs! Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen Hawlins Co in, widow Rachel, Smith Co TN Brigade... W10145 does not mention BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after off Indians... Boyds Creek AL, Surry Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners the beattie ( Capt in... Edgman, William, Lieutenant, W956, 05Sep1839, widow Hetty hall, John R14699... Deposition Mortally wounded lowry, John wit: Aaron Boogs, and subsequent widows claims the file numbering has. James Blevens, W5004, 15Mar1833, age 74, Stokes Co NC, guarded prisoners!

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battle of kings mountain roster