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Racial Equity Audits could emerge as a critical tool for companies to evaluate their current social impact and provide an objective method for investors to monitor their investments and potentially identify new companies that could benefit from increased social and economic engagement. [66], Similar Racial Equity Audit proposals were submitted by shareholders at several public companies during the 2021 proxy season with substantially the same resolution clause copied above, but with different issues highlighted. Public, third-party racial equity audits have supported companies like Facebook and Airbnb in acknowledging areas for improvement and beginning to put in place company infrastructure to prevent and mitigate harm. The methodology is publicly available in a technical paper for other companies who want to detect and remediate bias and discrimination on their platforms. In this case, failure to have a Racial Equity Audit policy or refusal to implement such a policy after shareholders have approved a proposal to implement one may become a criteria an advisory firm would consider in making a recommendation for or against the re-election of a companys chairperson of the governance committee and/or the re-election of other directors at the companys annual meeting. BlackRock opposed nearly all shareholder proposals directly addressing racial justice issues, including two proposals at Amazon seeking disclosure regarding hate-promoting products and effects of its facial recognition technology on people of color. Shareholders have filed proposals relating to the impacts of the use of Amazons surveillance and facial recognition technology by governments and law enforcement bodies; its use of concealment clauses regarding harassment, discrimination, and other unlawful acts in the workplace; its lack of reporting on its lobbying activities; and its employees right to collective bargaining, among other issues. [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. In a recent review of federal mortgage data from 2020 by Bloomberg, the outlet found that Wells Fargo has the worst record among major lenders when it came to disparities in approvals of refinancings by Black homeowners, approving fewer than half of Black homeowners refinancing applications in 2020. (go back), 93See J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. (go back), 25Remarks by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli at SEIU Capital Stewardship Program and CtW Investment Group Webinar Entitled Racial Equity Audits: A Critical Tool for Shareholders, NYS Comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, April 13, 2021, available at https://nyscomptroller.medium.com/remarks-by-new-york-state-comptroller-thomas-p-397b006d1d5c. A National Labor Relations Board complaint alleged that the company enforced its dress code selectively and disparately against workers that displayed the slogan and engaged in other related protected concerted activities.. Not everyone did. In an attempt to re-educate tech workers about racism, Twitter is looking to integrate targeted anti-racism training into its curriculum. In addition, there has also been a rise in ESG-specific funds as well as a growing number of ESG-specific products at mutual funds and other financial institutions. [15] As discussed in more detail below, a companys performance on ESG factors, such as investment into renewable energy, promotion of employee health and safety and contributions to the local community, are pressing issues that can either benefit or adversely affect a companys perception in the public eye, operational execution and bottom line. New York University School of Law. (go back), 102Shareholder-Advisory Firms Take Opposing Views on Racial Audits, Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan, April 17, 2021, available at https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/shareholder-advisory-firms-take-opposing-views-on-racial-audits?context=article-related (quoting Glass Lewis). [20] State governments have also codified ESG initiatives into lawCalifornia leading the charge with the passage of Senate Bill 826 and Assembly Bill 979, which require a certain percentage of directors on the boards of public companies headquartered in the state be composed of females and individuals from underrepresented communities. The tactic in question is civil rights audits, also known as racial equity audits, which are third-party assessments of a company's role in addressing systemic racism. (go back), 32Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working IDEAL, supra note 23. It must include a plan of action for resolution of issues identified, which should include responsibility and mechanisms for ongoing oversight and governance of racial equity related matters. (go back), 47The Best ESG Funds for Great Returns & Low Costs, Forbes, Rob Berger and Benjamin Curry, July 1, 2021, available at https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/best-esg-funds/. (go back), 79See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78; JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary, supra note 77. And lastly, whether a company has sufficient mechanisms in place to monitor effectiveness. JPMorgan's audit will examine the $30 billion commitment it made in 2020 to advance racial equity, which included funding of affordable housing, increasing the number of mortgages it. Shareholder Proposal of CtW Investment Group Securities Exchange Act of 1934Rule 14a-8, Gibson Dunn, January 25, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/nyscrfamazon012521-14a8-incoming.pdf [hereinafter Amazon No-Action Letter]; J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. [17], Improved ESG criteria is not a new area for activist investors. 1 launched a proxy campaign in December 2020 to effect change on Exxons board of directors. (go back), 131BlackRock pledges to conduct a racial audit of its business, Fortune, Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez, April 6, 2021, available at https://fortune.com/2021/04/06/blackrock-racial-audit-corporate-diversity-inclusion-race-at-work/. The first major US company to undergo such third-party racial audit was Airbnb. [139] The draft legislation would also require banks to investigate what ties they may have to slavery and disclose steps such institution would take to reconcile profits it may have received from slavery. We saw this occur in California with Senate Bill 826 and Assembly Bill 979 discussed in further detail above. In a conversation hosted by sf.citi, San Franciscos tech trade association, executives at Airbnb and Twitter shared how their companies are working to build more inclusive workplaces and products. Civil rights advocates notched a victory this week by securing a commitment from e-commerce giant Amazon to conduct a racial equity audit, a step they say is crucial toward ensuring that. What is a racial equity or civil rights audit? [90], Under Rule 14a-8(i)(3), a shareholder proposal may be excluded from a companys proxy materials if the proposal or the supporting statement accompanying the proposal is contrary to any of the federal proxy rules, including Rule 14a-9, which prohibits a company from disclosing materially false or misleading statements in its proxy materials. (go back), 64What You Need To Know About The 2021 Proxy Season, Forbes, Bhakti Mirchandani, June 28, 2021, available at https://www.forbes.com/sites/bhaktimirchandani/2021/06/28/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-2021-proxy-season/?sh=2e475fae7f5e. By staying in the project, users will be helping to create a new benchmark to uncover, measure, and fight discrimination on Airbnb. [1] Secondsocial criteria, which considers how a company engages with all of its stakeholders (including employees, customers and suppliers) rather than just shareholders, including the treatment and diversity of its employees on the frontline, management and boardroom levels, the effects of a company on the surrounding community, and whether a company is working with suppliers who share similar socially desirable values. [111] Despite the laundry list of examples Amazon cited in its No-Action Letter, the SEC did not concur that the proposal was excludable under Rule 14a-8(i)(7). These audits, often conducted by outside firms or individuals, examine and assess company actions and how those actions advance or prevent discrimination within their workplaces. (go back), 86See J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. (go back), 83See Rule 14a-8 No-Action Letter re: Amazon.com, Inc. The proxy advisory firms level of guidance may take varying formsat the low end, proxy advisory firms may increase a companys ESG or corporate governance score for having in the past or recently conducted a Racial Equity Audit. (go back), 108Amazon No-Action Letter, supra note 83. Then at the end of 2018, Airbnb sought to further mitigate bias by developing a policy that hides Airbnb guest profile photos until after the booking is accepted. Kellogg Foundation, available at: https://www.wkkf.org/resource-directory/resources/2018/07/business-case-for-racial-equity (Closing the gap means lessening, and ultimately eliminating, disparities and opportunity differentials that limit the human potential and the economic contributions of people of color.); see also Economist Found $16 Trillion When She Tallied Cost of Racial Bias, Bloomberg, Saijel Kishan, October 20, 2020, available at https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-20/racism-and-inequity-have-cost-the-u-s-16-trillion-wall-street-economist-says. [31] Following an audit, some companies have used the findings to develop a strategic plan to capitalize on opportunities to address racial equity moving forward. . Resolutions calling for racial equity or civil rights audits at major corporations have received substantial shareholder support. (go back), 17Supra note 5; see also What Is ESG? (go back), 88See JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary, supra note 77. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Twitter, for example, hosted a conversation with bestselling author and activist Dr. Ibram X. Kendi about how Twitter employees can embody anti-racist behavior. Wenah herself has been working on this project for many years. [137] The proposed Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act would require such audits by independent third parties of the subject companies policies and practices pertaining to civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion. [138] The initial debates on the draft legislation also considered adding to the draft bill penalties for non-compliance, including fines of up to $20,000 a day for failure to engage in such audits. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. (go back), 24Heres What Companies Are Promising to Do to Fight Racism, The New York Times, Gillian Friedman, August 23, 2020, available at https://www.nytimes.com/article/companies-racism-george-floyd-protests.html. Paul, Weiss has launched a new Civil Rights and Racial Equity Audit Practice, which is among the . Racial equity audits started catching on after the events of 2020 prompted a racial reckoning in the U.S. 1, Reuters, Svea Herbst-Bayliss, Gary McWilliams, December 7, 2020, available at https://www.reuters.com/article/exxon-shareholders-engine-no-1/exxon-faces-proxy-fight-launched-by-new-activist-firm-engine-no-1-idUSKBN28H2IO. [118] However, Comptroller DiNapoli noted a human rights assessment is not the same as an independent racial equity audit, and shareholders should be weary of equating the two. [119], On May 26, 2021, Amazon shareholders rejected eleven shareholder proposals at the annual meeting. Our partnership with Airbnb on this project has been years in the making, and has led to tangible policy developments to reduce discrimination that should serve as a model for Airbnbs peer tech companies, said Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson. [134] ISS will use the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey as a key component of ISS annual policy development process to assess potential policy changes across regions and markets for 2022 and beyond. [135] While ISS has largely appeared hesitant to support Racial Equity Audits in the circumstances presented in the 2021 proxy season, the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey could change its future guidance and recommendations on such audits. https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/lee-climate-change-disclosures, https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/coates-esg-disclosure-keeping-pace-031121, https://www.activistinsight.com/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2021/06/InsightiaESGActivism-1.pdf?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=greenfin&utm_content=2021-06-30, https://www.trilincglobal.com/what-is-esg/, https://www.businessinsider.com/patagonia-mission-environmentalism-good-for-business-2018-12, https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/fact-sheet/blk-responsible-investment-guidelines-us.pdf, https://www.issgovernance.com/file/policy/active/americas/US-Voting-Guidelines.pdf, https://www.reuters.com/article/exxon-shareholders-engine-no-1/exxon-faces-proxy-fight-launched-by-new-activist-firm-engine-no-1-idUSKBN28H2IO, https://www.socinvestmentgroup.com/critical-tool-for-shareholders, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-20/racism-and-inequity-have-cost-the-u-s-16-trillion-wall-street-economist-says, https://stories.starbucks.com/uploads/2020/02/Starbucks-Civil-Rights-Assessment-2020-Update.pdf, https://www.forbes.com/sites/korihale/2021/01/20/starbucks-steps-up-its-racial-justice-outreach-with-100-million-pledge/?sh=53b94b63389c, https://www.npr.org/2020/07/07/887628306/opinion-companies-have-a-duty-to-defend-democracy, https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/business%20functions/organization/our%20insights/delivering%20through%20diversity/delivering-through-diversity_full-report.ashx, https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/best-esg-funds, https://about.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Civil-Rights-Audit-Final-Report.pdf, https://www.forbes.com/sites/bhaktimirchandani/2021/06/28/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-2021-proxy-season/?sh=2e475fae7f5e, https://content.irmagazine.com/story/ir-magazine-summer-2021.pdf, https://about.bankofamerica.com/annualmeeting/static/media/BAC_2021_ProxyStatement_ADA.612694a6.pdf, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/831001/000120677421000735/citi3828191-def14a.htm, https://exchange.iccr.org/node/88686/text, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000019617/000001961721000275/a2021proxystatement.htm, https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/lee-climate-esg-board-of-directors, https://www.asyousow.org/our-work/social-justice/racial-justice, https://news.yahoo.com/big-us-companies-pushed-tally-014418300.html, https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/goldman-citi-stave-off-investor-calls-for-racial-audits-1, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-1998-05-28/html/98-14121.htm, https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwcitigroup022621-14a8.pdf. (go back), 7Statement on the Review of Climate-Related Disclosure, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Acting Chair Allison H. Lee, February 24, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/lee-statement-review-climate-related-disclosure. The Sustainable Investments Institute reports that 28 shareholder proposals dealing with racial justice had been included in proxy statements filed with the SEC as of April 27, 2021. [23] In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd in May 2020 and the subsequent civil rights movement and unrest, many companies announced a number of initiatives and measures to address social justice issues, including committing financial resources and reviewing their own policies and practices. (go back), 56Facebooks Civil Rights AuditFinal Report, Facebook, July 8, 2020, available at https://about.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Civil-Rights-Audit-Final-Report.pdf. (go back), 40Delivering through Diversity, McKinsey, Vivian Hunt, Sara Prince, Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle and Lareina Yee, January 2018, available at https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/business%20functions/organization/our%20insights/delivering%20through%20diversity/delivering-through-diversity_full-report.ashx. According to public policy analysts, racial violence and the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposals focused on racial justice. [68] Several of the supporting statements for Racial Equity Audit proposals stated that: High-profile police killings of black peoplemost recently George Floydhave galvanized the movement for racial justice. (go back), 138See H.R.2123Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act, Congress Bill Tracker, available at https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2123/committees?r=61&s=1 (as of July 15, 2021). [97] Wells Fargo Co. (Wells Fargo) said it is conducting a human rights impact assessment, and that it will update its Human Rights Statement to better align with the expectations of companies under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. He agreed and was personally concerned that there was an unacceptable lack of urgency around Airbnb's previous attempts to address allegations of racial bias within the Airbnb community, and vowed that such unconsciousness would not Before launching Project Lighthouse, Airbnb consulted a number of civil rights and privacy organizations, including Color of Change. Bringing in external partners provides critical feedback and, ultimately, produces better products. New York State Common Retirement Fund et al. It will not happen overnight. We have a responsibility to do more. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-sec-vote/u-s-sec-blocks-amazon-effort-to-stop-shareholder-votes-on-racial-equity-audit-idUSKBN2BU38U. (go back), 97Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69. Most recently in 2020, Airbnb launched Project Lighthouse, an initiative to uncover, measure, and overcome discrimination during the Airbnb booking process. As an extra security precaution, this information will be deleted every 30 days. (go back), 77Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter re: JPMorgan Chase & Co.2021 Annual Meeting, Supplemental Letter dated January 11, 2021, Relating to Shareholder Proposal Submitted by CtW Investment Group, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, February 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwjpmorgan032621-14a8.pdf [hereinafter JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary]. [18] Concurrently with shareholder activists nominating an increasing number of diverse director candidates, the voting policies of many institutional investors, such as BlackRock, Inc. (BlackRock), have been updated to reflect a desire to enhance boardroom diversity, [19] as have the voting guidelines of many prominent proxy advisory firms, such as ISS. We will continue to urge Airbnb to thoughtfully engage members of our communities in developing solutions to support long-time Black residents at risk of displacement from their neighborhoods.. The proponents argued that Home Depots political contributions appear to be misaligned with its public statements of its views and operational practices. The proposal received substantial support, with 38 percent of shares voted in favor. Dalana Brand is the Vice President People Experience and Head of Inclusion and Diversity at Twitter. Airbnb also consulted with Antony Haynes, Associate Dean of Albany Law School and Director of CyberSecurity and Privacy Law, and Cathy ONeil and Jacob Appel, of algorithmic auditing consultancy ORCAA. 16, 1992)). . More details are publicly available in a technical paper. (go back), 73As You Sow: Racial Justice, available at https://www.asyousow.org/our-work/social-justice/racial-justice. [3], With the increasing prominence of ESG awareness, the market has also seen the rise of ESG-specific funds as a new form of investment vehicle. In doing so, these companies have argued that they have already taken measures to address racial justice, such as investing in Black entrepreneurs, expanding credit and working to boost diversity within their ranks. [75]. [33] The public announcement of the Racial Equity Audit and related diversity, equity and inclusion efforts appeared to not only rehabilitate Starbucks public image after the incident, but helped the company become the most popular restaurant stock on the S&P 500 with actively managed funds that are dedicated to ESG investing, according to RBC Capital Markets. Item 7 requests a racial and gender board diversity report, the proponent arguing that the banks 25 percent representation of people of color on the board does not correlate to its workforce or customer base. (go back), 27Racial Equity Audit Proposal Q&A CtW Investment Group and the Service Employees International Union, available at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d374de8aae9940001c8ed59/t/605cdec4e6861277202f0b46/1616699076603/Racial+Equity+Audit+QA_CtW_SEIU+%28002%29.pdf. In addition to Starbucks, Airbnb and Facebook have completed audits. (go back), 20Proxy Voting Guidelines Benchmark Policy Recommendations, ISS, effective for meetings on or after February 1, 2021, available at https://www.issgovernance.com/file/policy/active/americas/US-Voting-Guidelines.pdf. According to certain proponents, the point of a Racial Equity Audit is not necessarily to critique a companys current platforms and efforts. Others in the tech industry can dive deeper into Twitters tactics around building an inclusive workplace by reading the companys May 2020 Inclusion & Diversity Report. (go back), 129BlackRock Breaks Wall Street Ranks With Planned Racial Audit (1), Bloomberg Tax, Saijel Kishan, April 5, 2021, available at https://news.bloombergtax.com/financial-accounting/blackrock-breaks-ranks-with-wall-street-in-performing-race-audit. (go back), 75Goldman, Citi Stave Off Investor Calls for Racial Audits (1), Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan and Jeff Green, April 29, 2021, available at https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/goldman-citi-stave-off-investor-calls-for-racial-audits-1. (go back), 119See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. "Our work is nowhere near done, but the civil rights audit was a critical first step," Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky says in the framework released today. The chart below lists the proponents who submitted Racial Equity Audit proposals to public companies pursuant to Rule 14a-8 during the 2021 proxy season and the number of proposals they submitted: Source: ISS Corporate Solutions and SEC Filings, Boards of directors of public companies are [i]ncreasingly . Will Corporations Deliver Value to All Stakeholders? And even they are far from perfect. [120] Among these, the proposal for a Racial Equity Audit garnered the most support, with 44% of the votes cast on this proposal voting in favor. (go back), 33On the Progress of its Efforts to Promote Civil Rights, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Starbucks, February 24, 2020, available at https://stories.starbucks.com/uploads/2020/02/Starbucks-Civil-Rights-Assessment-2020-Update.pdf; supra note 27. For example, a 2017 study found that across 72 predominantly Black New York City neighborhoods, Airbnb hosts were five times more likely to be white. Recently, investors and companies have also begun to appreciate that positive financial returns are often associated with investing in initiatives working towards racial equality. [2] Thirdcorporate governance, which considers how a company governs itself and holds itself accountable taking into account the structure and diversity of a companys board of directors, the separation between management and the board of directors, executive compensation, equal and fair pay amongst employees, and the extent to which a company or its management or board of directors are undertaking lobbying efforts, making political and charitable donations, or engaging in corruption or bribery. Data collected through Project Lighthouse will help the company create tools and policies to combat bias against Black users and other people of color, Brian Chesky, Airbnb's CEO and co-founder, told USA TODAY. (go back), 22Supra note 10. Citigroup Inc. (Citi), Wanted "no action" relief of the Securities and Exchange Commission to exclude the requests from its 2021 proxy statements, a request which was denied. Only the Anti-discrimination team, Security team, and research partner will have access to this information. No major proxy advisory firm has issued official voting guidance on the implementation of Racial Equity Auditsand the two largest advisory firms, ISS and Glass Lewis, have been split on their support for shareholder proposals requesting such audits. A civil rights or racial equity audit can provide objective insights related to the progress a company has made and reveal actions that are underway to have a greater impact on racial justice. [24] However, many advocates believe that without objective means to identify areas of improvement and monitor companies progress, these commitments may be illusory and confirmation that these companies have in fact met their commitments could be difficult. (go back), 65All things (not) being equal, IR Magazine, Ben Maiden, Summer 2021, available at https://content.irmagazine.com/story/ir-magazine-summer-2021.pdf. (go back), 70Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69; JPMorgan Chase & Co., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on April 7, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000019617/000001961721000275/a2021proxystatement.htm [hereinafter JPMorgan Proxy Statement]. AI could help you next time. (go back), 31Webinar, Susan Baker, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, Trillium Asset Management, supra note 23; supra note 27. appear to be misaligned with its public statements of its views and operational practices. She described the products and policies Airbnb has pioneered to reduce racism on its platform. After a notice period, the data analysis will begin. Airbnbs partnership with Color Of Change does not involve any financial arrangement. https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/lee-statement-review-climate-related-disclosure. [95], Companies Recommended Voting Against Racial Equity Audit Proposals. (go back), 118Id. The findings will inform the creation and updates of tools and policies to help combat racial discrimination and bias that Black users and other people of color have faced when using Airbnb. called upon to navigate the challenges presented by climate change, racial injustice, economic inequality, and numerous other issues that are fundamental to the success and sustainability of companies, financial markets, and our economy. [72] After the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, 66% of S&P 500 companies posted statements on their websites or social media accounts, 36% made financial contributions to racial justice organizations and 14% stated in their communications that Black Lives Matter. [73] While it has been observed that these companies were quick to issue statements supporting Black Lives Matter and promis[ed] to do more to be responsive to non-white consumers, employees and communities, [74] most companies on the receiving end of a Rule 14a-8 proposal to implement a Racial Equity Audit have actively resisted such proposal by seeking no-action relief from the SEC to exclude the proposal from their 2021 proxy statements, negotiating with proponents to withdraw their proposals, and, when the company had been unsuccessful with the foregoing, recommending that shareholders vote against the proposals. In setting this precedent, it is important to understand that there are technology platforms that have already left irreversible marks on Black communities and communities of color around the country that need to be addressed. There are three essential features of an effective racial equity audit: The audit should be independent, and conducted by a firm with civil rights expertise; There must be robust stakeholder engagement to uncover issues across a company's products and services, workforce practices, and corporate policies; and At a time when we cannot rely on government alone to further social justice goals, unusual allies become more important than ever. 2008 with the best of intentions, but were not fully conscious of racial bias when they designed the platform. (go back), 43Webinar, Vivian Gray, SEIU Pension Fund Trustee, supra note 23. Firstenvironmental criteria, which considers a companys actions as a steward of the environment, such as what steps a company is taking to address the depletion of the planets resources, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, or the effects of climate change.

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airbnb racial equity audit