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Criminal activities included extortion of civilian economies, smuggling oil, and robberies. The GNU and alignedgroups maintainedtheir strongest influence inthe Western Mountainsand the northwest coastal areas stretching from the Tunisian border to territory just west of Sirte. ISIS-WA also claimed responsibility for raiding a village in the Gubio area, killing 81 people. In December it proposed an update to the PrmDecision that would further codify cross-border law enforcement cooperation in EU law and establish a consistent, EU-operated technical infrastructure for the exchange of data under Prm. ETA is responsible for killing more than 800 civilians and members of the armed forces and police, as well as injuringthousands, sinceit formally began its campaign of violence in 1968. PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command), SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA Financial ties with regime-aligned Segunda Marquetalia, ELN, and Venezuelan paramilitary groups facilitate the public corruption and graft schemes of the regime to include members of the armed forces. The United States supports various programs to build partners law enforcement capacity to counter terrorism, including by strengthening the ability of justice and corrections officials to counter terrorism. Description:JamaatuAnsarulMusliminaFiBiladis-Sudan (Ansaru) was designated as an FTO on November 14, 2013. On Easter Sunday 2019, more than 250 people were killed in Sri Lanka when ISIS-inspired terrorists carried out coordinated suicide bombings at multiple churches and hotels. ISIS-K was estimated to have 2,000 to 3,000 fighters in Afghanistan in 2021. We refer you tohttps://www.usaid.gov/economic-growth-and-trade and https://www.usaid.gov/reports-and-data for information on USAIDs economic reform programs. CPP/NPA (Communist Party of Philippines/New Peoples Army) Yes, guests have access to a fitness center and a sauna during their stay. CIRA (Continuity Irish Republican Army) The lack of formal ties between the REMVE groups and lone actors significantly limited the ability of law enforcement to pursue charges, legal designations, or sanctions against the groups inspiring the attacks. All rights reserved. The Malaysian government sustained efforts to deny terrorists use of the Sulu/Sulawesi Seas as a safe haven by working with Indonesia and the Philippines to prevent the flow of incoming and outgoing foreign terrorists throughout its territory. Iran also provides up to $100million annually incombined support to Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command. AkaHUJI; Movement of Islamic Holy War; Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami; Harkat-al-Jihad-ul Islami; Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami; Harakat ul Jihad-e-Islami. In 2019, LeT and its front organizations continued to operate and fundraise in Pakistan. The Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund (NDF), in collaboration with EXBS, is supporting the expansion of the World Customs Organizations (WCOs) Program Global Shield. In 2017, RIRA gunmen fired at police officers in north Belfast, injuring one officer. ISIS continued to carry out assassinations, as well as suicide, hit-and-run, and other asymmetric attacks throughout the country. The United States also leveraged other multilateral organizations such as NATO, INTERPOL, OSCE, OAS, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Council of Europe, the IIJ, and Hedayah. Peace efforts ended in 2017 after reported violations from bothsides, including reports of the CPP/NPAs continued recruitment in the Philippines and attacks against government forces and civilians. Activities:In 2016 the group attacked a six-vehicle military caravan transporting election materials ahead of the countrys election; eight soldiers and two civilian contractors were killed by SL members armed with long-range rifles and grenades. Also in 2020, ISIS-WA claimed responsibility for two attacks in the Monguno and Nganzai areas in northeastern Nigeria, killing 20 soldiers and 40 civilians. ISIS-SP also kidnapped and assassinated civilians who were collaborating with Egyptian security forces. In April, at least 7 persons were killed and more than 11 others were injured when an al-Shabaab vehicle exploded outside of a police headquarters in Somalias capital city. The network operates on a 24/7 basis to facilitate communication among points of contact designated by eachmemberstate, so they can respond more effectively to terrorist threats. Tunisia Pakistan. In 2016 a faction of the IMU announced its continued commitment to the Taliban and AQ, marking a split with its leader Ghazi and the rest of the group, which announced its loyalty to ISIS in 2015 and has since cooperated with Islamic States Khorasan Province. It does not constitute a new announcement regarding such designations. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Members of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, Chapter 1 -- Country Reports on Terrorism, Chapter 3 -- The Global Challenge of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear Terrorism, Chapter 4 -- Terrorist Safe Havens (Update to 7120 Report), Chapter 5 -- Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Chapter 6 -- Legislative Requirements and Key Terms, Appendix A. Annex of Statistical Information, Appendix B. Funding and External Aid:Although ISIS-Bangladeshs sources of funding are largely unknown, the group does receive some support from ISIS. Furthermore, the United States continued to promote a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach to prevent and counter violent extremism by engaging with governments, local religious leaders, and tech companies. AkaISIS in the Philippines; ISIL Philippines; ISIL in the Philippines; IS Philippines; ISP; Islamic State in the Philippines; Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in South-east Asia;DawlatulIslamiyahWaliyatulMasrik, DIWM;DawlatulIslamiyyahWaliyatulMashriq; IS East Asia Division; ISIS Branch in the Philippines; ISISPhilippinesprovince. In 2011, Bangladeshi authorities formally charged multiple suspects, including Hannan, with the killing of former Finance Minister Shah AMS Kibria in a 2005 grenade attack. In 2019, two individuals linked to the DHKP/C were arrested by Turkish security forces after they had entered the Turkish Parliament and taken a staff member hostage. Activities: ETA primarily has conducted bombings and assassinations against Spanish government officials, businesspersons, politicians, judicial figures, and security and military forces; however, the group also has targeted journalists and major tourist areas. That was great But what we got: the holes in both bed-sheets and pillowcase, in the curtain. Zufahrt nur ber Mainstr./Lahnstr., 47051 Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia Germany, Lock in the lowest price from these sites. Funding and External Aid:Sources of support are unknown, but HM is suspected to receive some funding from sources in Pakistan as well as from local fundraising. In May, Austria banned the use or display of any Hizballah-related symbols, building on the previous ban that was limited to symbols of Hizballahs so-called military wing. Description: The Indian Mujahedeen (IM) was designated as an FTO on September 19, 2011. In 2020 the United States and ASEAN negotiated a new five-year Plan of Action, which outlined continued and increased engagement on counterterrorism and countering violent extremism efforts. Location/Area of Operation:Afghanistan and Pakistan. Strength:HQN is estimated to have between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters. The objective of this workplan is to provide an implementation framework to guide relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies, organs, and entities in carrying out the necessary activities and monitor effectiveness in preventing and countering terrorist radicalization and recruitment. JamaatuAnsarulMuslimaFiBiladis-Sudan, AkaAnsaru;AnsarulMusliminaFiBiladisSudan; Vanguards for the Protection of Muslims in Black Africa; JAMBS;JamaatuAnsarilMusliminaFiBiladisSudan. CT pressure and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may have reduced opportunities for radicalization to violence through more traditional, person-to-person networks and increased the phenomenon of radicalization online as many people spent more time at home and online. 13224 and FTO designations of the Islamic States Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) to include additional aliases. In 2019, Dhaka police arrested three HUJI-B operatives reportedly attempting to revive the groups operations. Qatar After not claiming an attack for 16 years, the PLF claimed responsibility for the 2008 assault against an Israeli military bus in Huwarah, Israel, and the shooting of an Israeli settler. TheCTBureauincreased its efforts to combat racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism (REMVE). Established in 2014, AQIS focuses on terrorist activity in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. On May 20 the Department of State designated Yusuf al-Madani. Activities: In 2017, JNIM carried out an attack at a resort frequented by westerners outside of Bamako, Mali, and was responsible for the large-scale coordinated attacks in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in 2018. Despite its stated objective to set up an Islamic state in Uzbekistan, the group operates primarily along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and in northern Afghanistan, where it previously fought against international forces. In 2011, Abu Bakar Baasyir, the founder and leader of JAT, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his role in organizing a militant training camp in Aceh. Description:Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) was designated as an FTO on December 26, 2001. The group directed and facilitated Faisal Shahzads failed attempt to detonate an explosive device in New York Citys Times Square in 2010. In 2019, ASG militants attacked Philippine soldiers on Jolo, resulting in the deaths of two children. In 2020 and 2021, Bangladeshi courts continued to sentence members of HUJI-B to death for their involvement in HUJI-B attacks. The EU and its member states remain top counterterrorism partners for the United States. In 2019, Asim Umar, the former head of AQIS, was killed in a joint U.S.-Afghan military operation. Strength: Estimates of PIJs membership range from about 1,000 to several thousand. Nice room, nice bathroom. Akaal-MulathamunBattalion; al-MulathamunBrigade; al-Muwaqqiunbil-Dima; Those Signed in Blood Battalion; Signatories in Blood; Those Who Sign in Blood; Witnesses in Blood; Signed-in-Blood Battalion; Masked Men Brigade; Khaled Abu al-Abbas Brigade; al-MulathamunMasked Ones Brigade; the Sentinels. Conduct tactical operations to test participating countries capabilities to detect and interdict such trade. (See Chapter 5, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, for more information on ISIS-Mozambique. Funding and External Aid: AQAPs funding has historically come from theft, robberies, oil and gas revenue, kidnap-for-ransom operations, and donations from likeminded supporters. Description: Designated as an FTO on March 27, 2002, Asbat al-Ansar (AAA) is a Lebanon-based Sunni terrorist group composed primarily of Palestinians that first emerged in the early 1990s. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the ASEAN Regional Forum, and the East Asia Summit. Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT), and several members of the Taliban are individually UN and/or U.S. designated terrorists. The Greek government has made significant strides in curtailing the groups terrorist activity. The organization was known for conducting cross-border attacks into Israel using unusual means, such as hot-air balloons and motorized hang gliders. Funding and External Aid:AQIM members engage in kidnapping for ransom and other criminal activities to finance their operations. In late 2004, Zarqawi joined al-Qaida (AQ) and pledged allegiance to Usama bin Laden. Al-Shabaab has assassinated numerous civil society figures, government officials, journalists, international aid workers, and members of non-governmental organizations. The 85-member U.S.-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS continued its comprehensive efforts to prevent a resurgence of ISISs so-called physical caliphate in Iraq and Syria and the activities of its branches and networks. In 2018, JNIM claimed responsibility for a suicide attack against an African Defeat-ISIS Coalition base in Mali that killed at least 6 persons and a truck bomb in a residential complex in Gao, killing 3 and injuring 30. This arrangement has given TTP access to both AQs global terrorist network and its members operational expertise. The United States and Jordan renewed their co-chairmanship of the FTF Working Group in 2019 for another two-year term, now extended until late 2022 because of the COVID-19 global pandemic. IJU did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021. IG claimed responsibility for the 1995 attempted assassination of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak inAddis Ababa, Ethiopia. And in addition to that, there did not smell fresh. After winning Palestinian Legislative Council elections in 2006, Hamas gained control of significant Palestinian Authority (PA) ministries in Gaza, including the Ministry of Interior. Are there opportunities to exercise at Wyndham Duisburger Hof? Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP), Aka FARC-EP; Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejrcito del Pueblo; FARC dissidents FARC-EP; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia dissidents FARC-EP; FARC-D FARC-EP; Grupo Armado Organizado Residual FARC-EP; GAO-R FARC-EP; Residual Organized Armed Group FARC-EP. In Afghanistan, ISIS, elements of AQ, and regionally focused terrorist groups maintained an active presence and conducted terrorist activities. Description:The Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC) was designated as an FTO on August 19, 2014. Colombia This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. In June the Regulation on Addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online entered into force, requiring service providers operating in the EU to remove content within one hour of notification by a competent authority in the EU. In East Africa, AQ-affiliateal-Shabaab (AS) retained access to recruits, the ability to raise and manage substantial resources, and de facto control over large parts of Somalia through which it moved freely and launchedhigh-profile, sophisticated attacks on civilians, government personnel and facilities, and security forces, including Somali and African Union peacekeeping operations. Description:The National Liberation Army (ELN) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. The Saudi-led coalition, which includes Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), provided support to the Republic of Yemen government (ROYG), which continued to fight to hold off further advances and reclaim areas held by the Houthis. In addition, al-Murabitounclaimed responsibility for a 2017 suicide car bombing at a military camp in Mali that killed more than 47 people and injured more than 115. Description:Aum Shinrikyo (AUM) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. In 2017, AQIM conducted a suicide attack that left more than 50 people dead in Gao, Mali. Targets have included the British military, Northern Ireland security forces, and Loyalist paramilitary groups. leaving the country after divorce chapter 500 police chase tinley park; security bank repossessed cars 2022 naked news shaved pussy; golden tench for sale usa empyrion signal logic guide; battalion vs regiment vs division In 2020, Hizballah fighters allegedly fired toward an Israel Defense Forces position in the Israeli town of Menara. Strength: The PFLP-GC has several hundred members. ISIS and its affiliates, al-Qaida (AQ) and affiliated groups, and Iran-backed groups continue to pose the greatest terrorist threats to the region. Forces from Nigeria and other members of the MNJTF (Benin, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger) continued to combat bothterrorist groups, but still lack the ability to clear safe havens or to secure borders and hold and effectively administer territory regained from the militants. In 2019 a man from Cleveland, Ohio, was arrested for allegedly making plans for an AQ-inspired bomb attack on the citys downtown Independence Day parade. Description: Al-Ashtar Brigades (AAB)was designated as an FTO on July 11, 2018. 2021 Foreign Terrorist Organization/Executive Order 13224 Group Designations, On January 14 the Department of State designated Harakat Sawad Misr (HASM) as an FTO. Activities:Al-Shabaab has used intimidation and violence to exploit divisions in Somalia and undermine the Somali government, recruit new fighters, extort funding from local populations, and kill activists working to bring about peace through political dialogue. Statistical Information. That same year a PKK affiliate claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on a natural gas pipeline near theTurkish-Iranian border, taking the pipeline offline for months and PKK militants fired rockets at a Turkish military base in northern Iraq, killing two soldiers and wounding another. These members brought extensive experience in terrorist tactics and bomb making to the group. In January 2021, Abu Bakar Bashir, the groups former leader at the time of his arrest in 2002, was released from prison after serving more than two thirds of a 15-year sentence for helping establish a terrorist training camp. Also on January 12 the Department of State designated three leaders of the al-Qaida Kurdish Battalions an al-Qaida-linked group that operates on the border between Iran and Iraq: Ismail Fuad Rasul Ahmed, Fuad Ahmad Nuri Ali al-Shakhan, and Niamat Hama Rahim Hama Sharif. Al-Samahi is a Trkiye-based senior HASM official with an operational role in the group. Even simple things like towels are a problem here. Before the French intervention in 2013, Malian citizens in towns under AADs control allegedly faced harassment, torture, and death if they refused to comply with the groups laws. We do not allow solicitations or advertisements. Simultaneously, the Secretary designated FARC dissident groups Segunda Marquetalia and FARC-EP (Ejrcito del Pueblo, in Spanish) as FTOs and their leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. In 2019, ISIS-WA claimed responsibility for two attacks in western Niger, ambushing Niger Army soldiers in TongoTongo, resulting in 28 deaths, while also attacking Niger security forces near theKoutoukalprisonthat killed 1 soldier. Although DHKP/C did not claim any attacks in 2021, Turkish security forces arrested dozens of individuals suspected of being linked to DHKP/C. In November, Australia announced its intention to expand its domestic designation of Hizballah by declaring the group in its entirety a terrorist organization. Arrests 9/23/2022; Arrests 9/22/2022. Strength:JeMhas severalhundred armedsupporters. HUM operated terrorist training camps in eastern Afghanistan until Defeat-ISIS Coalition air strikes destroyed them in 2001. Spain Law enforcement investigating possible shooting on I-10 near north Monroe, One person injured in Lake Bradford Road shooting, Remains recently found in St. Marks Refuge confirmed to be missing Tallahassee father, Suspect charged in the death of a South Georgia man two years after his murder, Three people wanted in counterfeit checks ring, Donald Dillbeck executed by lethal injection, publicfile@live5news.com - (843) 402-5555. AAA has been reluctant to involve itself in operations in Lebanon, in part because of concerns of losing itssafe havenin the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp. Description:Kahane Chai (KC) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. HASM was previously designated under E.O. According to independent sources and non-governmental organizations engaged in demining activities on the ground, there was little cause for concern regarding the presence of WMD in Somalia. Location/Area of Operation: Iraq and Syria, with branches and networks around the world. In 2017 the group carried out multiple suicide bombings in Damascus, including suicide attacks using VBIEDs. Musa is a Trkiye-based HASM leader. Algeria In 2014, BH kidnapped 276 female students from a secondary school inChibok, Borno State. Saudi Arabia The LTTE has employed charities as fronts to collect and divert funds for its activities. During 2021, governments in East Asia and the Pacific faced diminished threats from U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, REMVE, and terrorists inspired by ISIS. In 2002, Pakistani authorities arrested and convicted aJeMmember for the abduction and murder of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl. Akaal-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent;Qaedatal-Jihad in the Indian Subcontinent. AkaIslamic Jihad Group;IslomiyJihodIttihodi; al-Djihadal-Islami;DzhamaatModzhakhedov; Islamic Jihad Group of Uzbekistan;Jamiatal-Jihad al-Islami;Jamiyat; the JamaatMojahedin; the Kazakh Jamaat; the Libyan Society. Al-Murabitounwas originally part of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) but became a separate organization in 2012 after its leader, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, split from AQIM. India To date, the EU has pledgedalmost$270millionfor the G-5 Sahel Joint Force, a coalition of five West African nations providing border security and counterterrorism operations in the Sahel. ), Again on December 1, the Department of State amended the E.O. Description: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. Despite the sunsetting of the CTWG, APECs counterterrorism efforts will continue through relevant existing subfora. Several international NGOs may have funneled money to HUJI-B. Funding and External Aid: Although ISIS-DRCs sources of funding remain largely unknown, the group probably does receive some support from ISIS. However, ongoing challenges to peace accord implementation and continued security vacuums have created risk for terrorist activity and attacks on civilians, security forces, and infrastructure in some areas in 2021. Copyright 2020 WCTV. Though al-Qaidas leadership ranks in the Middle East and North Africa continued to be degraded in 2021 and the group suffered setbacks, al-Qaida remained a resilient adversary. Despite taking significant losses from U.S. and NATO forces in recent years, ISIS-K continued to conduct terrorist attacks against civilians and the Taliban. The biennial CDCT plenary addressed topics including battlefield evidence, addressing radicalization, increasing information sharing, and bioterrorism. Funding and External Aid: Hamas has received funding, weapons, and training from Iran and raises funds in Persian Gulf countries. Akathe Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress; the Freedom and Democracy Congress of Kurdistan; KADEK;PartiyaKarkeranKurdistan; the Peoples Defense Force;HaluMesruSavunmaKuvveti; Kurdistan Peoples Congress; Peoples Congress of Kurdistan; KONGRA-GEL. Greece The group earned a reputation for committing large-scale international attacks in the 1960s and 1970s, including airline hijackings that killed more than 20 U.S. citizens. Description: Designated as an FTO on March 27, 2002, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB) is composed of small cells of Fatah-affiliated activists who emerged at the outset of the al-AqsaIntifada in 2000. The ROYG, with Saudi and Emirati support, continued counterterrorism operations to degrade al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and ISIS-Yemen operations in the country. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. In 2021 the United States continued to work through multilateral organizations to promote U.S. approaches to countering terrorism, and to strengthen regional and international counterterrorism efforts, including by developing and promoting global norms and building the capacities of states to implement them. AAB also has promoted violent activity against the British, Saudi Arabian, and U.S. governments over social media. In 2021, Trkiye remained a transit point for FTFs departing Syria and Iraq. AkaISIS-GS; Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS); Islamic State of the Greater Sahel; ISIS in the Greater Sahel; ISIS in the Islamic Sahel. Sep 2019 - Jan 20205 months. Recipient law enforcement organizations have used the skills and assistance to crack down on terrorists globally and save hundreds of lives from planned attacks. Akaal-Qaida in the South Arabian Peninsula; al-Qaida in Yemen; al-Qaida of Jihad Organization in the Arabian Peninsula; al-Qaida Organization in the Arabian Peninsula; TanzimQaidatal-Jihad fiJaziratal-Arab; AQAP; AQY; Ansar al-Sharia; Ansar al-Sharia; Ansar al-Shariah, Ansar al Shariah, Partisans of Islamic Law, Sons of Abyan; Sons of Hadramawt; Sons of Hadramawt Committee; Civil Council of Hadramawt; and National Hadramawt Council. A troubling number of FARC members refused to demobilize, estimated at around 2,600 individuals who chose not to participate in the peace process or who have subsequently joined the dissident ranks of the Segunda Marquetalia and FARC-EP. The United States recognizes the great value in its long partnership with INTERPOL and the role of the USNCB to ensure critical FTF data are shared and accessible throughout the global law enforcement community. JNIM has described itself as al-Qaidas official branch in Mali and has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks and kidnappings since its 2017 formation. In 2018, Germany uncovered 10 IRGC operatives involved in a terrorist plot in Germany. AQ and its regional affiliate AQ in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) continued to have a presence in Afghanistan. Persian Gulf countries problem here from about 1,000 to several thousand individuals suspected of linked!: Kahane Chai ( KC ) was designated as an FTO on July 11, 2018 (. Mujahidin Shura Council in the lowest price from these sites Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak inAddis Ababa Ethiopia! 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leon county booking report january 2 2020